The influence of mobile app in Glycemic Control and Prevention of Hypoglycemics in Diabetic management: A Systematic Review
Netha Damayantie1* Muhammad Rusdi2, Syamsurizal2, Ummi Kalsum3
1 Student of Doctoral Programme faculty of Mathematic and and science, Jambi University
2 Chemical Education Study Program, Teacher Training and Education Faculty, Jambi University
3Public Health Study Program, Medicine and Health Sciences Faculty, Jambi University
* Corresponding author: Netha Damayantie, Jl. Jambi - Muara Bulian No.KM. 15, Mendalo Darat, Kec. Jambi Luar Kota, Kabupaten Muaro Jambi, 36129, Indonesia, Orcid : Email:
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Background. The use of technology in the treatment of diabetes can facilitate the medium of communication between nurses and clients in data collection to create a comfortable life for patients. The use of mobile health technology in diabetic education is an innovative learning method that can engage patients and influence positive health behaviors.
Aim. This study aims to find out the influence of mobile-based education applications in the Haemoglobin A1c control and prevention of hypoglycemia in patients with type 2 diabetes mellitus.
Methods. Database search for article are from four databases such as Pubmed, Sciencedirect, Proquest, and Cochrane is limited to the publication of the last ten years from 2010 to 2021 and full text article in English. Authors individually screened the titles and abstracts, then full articles in order to obtain papers that met inclusion criteria
Results. a total of 664 references were found. After duplicates were removed, 391 potentially relevant references remained from the database searches. Eight articles were finally designated as articles to be reviewed and use RCT design. Most studies put a Haemoglobin A1c (HbA1c) as a primary outcomes, and hypoglycemia as a secondary outcomes. Through the use of mobile app, there are reductions in HbA1c which affect the hypoglycemia events in Type 2 DM patients.
Conclusion. Mobile application can enhance HbA1c and hypoglycemia control among T2DM patients. Because providing patient education face to face is time-consuming, the use of mobile application may be an effective complement or alternative for healthcare professionals to manage the rapidly increasing number of diabetes patients.
Keywords: Mobile app, Type 2 DM, Glycemic control, Hypoglicemia prevention
Diabetes mellitus, particularly type 2, is a global health issue in the worldwide. The International Diabetes Federation (IDF) estimated an escalation of diabetes prevalence from 424.9 million in 2017 to about 628.6 million by 2045 [1]. More than 10,3 million people had diabetes mellitus in Indonesia [2]. Ninety percent (90%) of diabetes cases is type 2 diabetes mellitus with characteristics of insulin sensitivity disorders and/or impaired insulin secretion [3]. The prevalence of diabetes mellitus in Indonesia based on doctor's diagnosis in the population aged ≥15 years has increased from 1.5% in 2013 to 2.0% in 2018 [4,5]. Administration of insulin therapy causes the main side effect of hypoglycemia. Another side effect is the immune response to insulin which can lead to insulin allergies or insulin resistance [3]. Hypoglycemia is a condition in which glucose levels in the blood decrease below the value of 70 mg / dl or less [6,7].The prevalence of hypoglycemia with type II diabetes mellitus patients can reach 70-80%, which has a serious impact on morbidity, mortality, and quality of life [8]. Severe occurrence of hypoglycemia in type 2 diabetes mellitus patients reaches 3-73 episodes per 100 patients annually [6]. A common phenomenon in the clinical practice is that many patients argue that mild hypoglycemia as a consequence of hypoglycemic control [9]. In addition, many patients misunderstand the symptoms of hypoglycemia as a symptom of ketoacidosis, because they need to reduce or delay insulin administration [10]. Patients attempted to lower blood sugar levels without knowing the effects of using the drug where patients may experience severe hypoglycemia as the result. One of the reasons for the lack of patient knowledge about hypoglycemia is the lack of information provided by healthcare professionals [11]. Shreds of evidence have shown that the potential use of smartphone-based technology has helped people with diabetes in self-care management by staying connected with health care providers. Futuristic features are provided with all the ease to understand and use [12,13]. A well-suited App could transform a mobile phone into a medical device helping ease the burden of diabetes, preventing complications, and improving a patient’s quality of life. However, an overwhelming number of products and services are available to patients with diabetes. Patients and providers must recognize the characteristics of these products and services to capitalize on the advantages while avoiding harmful deficiencies [14]. The use of technology in the treatment of diabetes can facilitate the medium of communication between nurses and clients in data collection to create a comfortable life for patients. An important goal of treatment with electronic media is to enable patients the opportunity to maintain effective they education without interruption [12]. Interest in mobile health apps in supporting self-management of health arises because it is easily accessible, portable, low cost, convenient for users, and has a widespread. Furthermore, 50% of smartphone users will have at least one mobile health app [13]. The use of mobile health technology in diabetic education is an innovative learning method that can engage patients and influence positive health behaviors [14].
This review aims to collate and provide evidence related to mobile application for Glycemic Control, and prevention of hypoglycemia of Diabetes Melitus patients.
This study is a systematic review based on Preferred Reporting Items for Systematic Reviews and Meta-Analyzes (PRISMA). PRISMA is an evidence-based minimum set of items for reporting in systematic reviews and meta-analyses. PRISMA focuses on the reporting of reviews evaluating randomized trials, but can also be used as a basis for reporting systematic reviews of other types of research, particularly evaluations of interventions. Authors must use PRISMA as a guideline and theory underlying aims to help authors improve the reporting of systematic reviews and meta-analyses (PRISMA Statement, 2015).
Inclusion criteria for this systematic review are (1) adult-elderly patients (18-85 years), (2) uncomplicated or non co morbid diabetes mellitus patients, and (3) patients who are conscious and cooperative (4) study design that include in this review is randomized control trials (RCT). Exclusion criteria in this systematic review are (1) patients experiencing complications (stroke, heart, kidney), and (2) patients who have dementia and aphasia.
Search Methods
Database search for article are from four databases such as Pubmed, Sciencedirect, Proquest, and Cochrane is limited to the publication of the last ten years from 2010 to 2021 and full text article in English. Keywords used in the article search of all databases are combination of "diabetes mellitus" OR “Type 2 DM” AND "glycemic control” OR “Hypoglicemia prevention” OR “HbA1c” AND "health education" AND “m-health" OR “Mobile app”. The next step after the articles that meet the criteria are collected is to analyze and form the articles according to the specified inclusion and exclusion criteria. The article search process was carried out in August 2021. The article search uses keywords that have been determined by the researchers and limits the inclusion and exclusion criteria. The data obtained are then selected one by one by the researchers to determine the suitability of the articles desired by the researchers and delete the same articles or those that do not fit the criteria. After getting the articles according to the researchers, the articles are analyzed one by one and grouped to get the results. The next step is to discuss based on the points obtained from the selection results.
Critical appraisal
The included quantitative studies were appraised using the McMaster Critical Review Form for quantitative studies [18]. The critical appraisal process was undertaken independently by the two authors. Discrepancies in scoring were then resolved through discussions until consensus was achieved.
There are 13 question items that can be answered with yes, no, and not addressed options. Scores are given as a percentage, and one point for each question item if available. 90% were categorized as high quality, 70% medium, and low quality for the rest.
Data Abstraction
Two authors independently reviewed the abstracts of studies retrieved from the database Search and read the full-text of potentially relevant articles. For studies that met the inclusion criteria, data extraction was independently conducted by two investigators using our data extraction tool adapted from existing guidelines and other review articles of mobile application for DM [19,20]. Using this tool we extracted the general and mobile app features of the papers including the outcome, study design, characteristics of the intervention, evaluation method and main findings. Disagreements in data extraction were solved by a third investigator.
Data Analysis/ Synthesis
Data of the studies included were synthesized thematically in order to understand the effectiveness of mobile application. Thematic analysis involves discovering, interpreting and reporting patterns and clusters of meaning within the data. Using this frame-work and by reading the included articles several times, themes were identified. Subsequently, these themes were further examined for their similarities, differences and contradictions. The subject matter of the findings from the quantitative studies was examined, and the resulting information was placed under the qualitative themes. This integration of quantitative findings to the qualitative themes was completed by the first author. The second author reviewed the matched themes and quantitative studies. Any disagreement was resolved through mutual discussion. Due to the heterogeneity and insufficient number of the studies included, we could not conduct meta-analyses.
Search Results
Combining the output of the searches in the various databases, a total of 664 references were found. After duplicates were removed, 391 potentially relevant references remained from the database searches. 283 articles removed by reasons of irrelevant, review/report, not full text, book chapter. Eight articles were finally designated as articles to be reviewed. PRISMA flowchart for Study selection can be presented in Figure 1.
Figure 1. PRISMA flowchart for Study selection
The main focus of this systematic literature review is the effects of mobile app on hypoglycemia prevention. However, to optimize the interpretation of these effects, we will first clarify the methodological quality and characteristics of the studies, as well as the characteristics of the mobile app under review. The authors developed tables for data analysis with the type of diabetes addressed in the review article, the types of technology used for the intervention along with outcomes measured. The most common health outcome measure was hemoglobin A1c (A1c), and hypoglycemia may present in secondary outcome. This shared data element allowed comparison between the varying interventions addressed in these reviews.
In Table 1 we reported the articles included in our study.
Table 1. Data extraction of studies included
The result of Critical review
The results of the critical appraisal of the studies are presented in Table 2, respectively. The data that contributed to the generation of these themes are presented narratively in the following results subsection, with the appropriate source references identified.
Table 2. Critical review for Quantitative studies included
Critical appraisal of quantitative research studies: As outlined in Table 2, all of the studies had a clear purpose and relevant literature reviews. All of the studies reported appropriate conclusions, given their study purpose.
Table 2 shows the value of Cohen's kappa coefficient in each article with a range of 0.41 to 0.806 with a moderate to strong category. This coefficient is the result of two reviewers who evaluate each article separately.
Study Characteristics
Most of the selected reviews used research from locations around the globe. Articles that meet the inclusion criteria come from several countries including China [21–23], USA [24,25], Norway [26], Japan [27], and France [28]. The mean age range reported was from 38 to 68 years old. Duration of the intervention was 3 months [27], 6 months [21,22,26], 9 months [23], and 12 months [24,25,28]. The number of participants involved in the study was in the range of 54 to 665 patients divided into intervention and control groups.
Outcomes Measured, Primary Focus
Primary outcomes
Change in HbA1c level after 1 year was chosen as the primary outcome because it is the main target measure when treating diabetes and is frequently used when evaluating interventions. HbA1c data were collected through the GPs and were assessed primarily with the Siemens DCA Vantage Analyzer a maximum of 2 weeks before or after the follow-up to reduce measurement bias [26].
In the study of Waki and colleague, HbA1c as a primary outcome was measured from baseline to 3-month follow-up for each patient with an intention-to-treat analysis in intervention and control groups [27].
The primary outcome of Quinn [25] study was change in glycated hemoglobin comparing control usual care (UC) and maximal treatment (Coach primary care providers portal with decision support (CPDS) at baseline versus 12 months. Medical chart reviews were used to ascertain patient data. For patients without a glycated hemoglobin within 4 months of the desired measurement, a glycated hemoglobin test was offered at no charge at baseline to determine eligibility and at 12 months. At baseline, glycated hemoglobin was measured using one device, the Bayer DCA 2000, by trained staff blinded to patient group assignment. At follow-up, if glycated hemoglobin was not ascertained within 14 days of the 12-month time point, reminders were provided to patients and physicians to complete the test. Glycated hemoglobin level at intermediate time points (3, 6, and 9 months) was collected from patients’ medical charts [24,25].
Franc et al. determined the primary outcomes of their study was the mean change in HbA1c from baseline to 12 months (primary endpoint), and the occurrence of hypoglycemia. An independent ‘‘Hypoglycemia Adjudication Committee’’ validated the classification of all declared hypoglycaemic episodes. A severe hypoglycemic episode means that the patient required the indispensable assistance of a third person. A symptomatic hypoglycemic episode refers to those symptoms of hypoglycemia associated with rapid recovery after self-administration of sugar [28].
The primary outcome in Xu et al study [22] was diabetic symptom scores. It was assessed by the diabetes symptom grading and quantitative scale according to the Guidelines for the Clinical Research of Chinese Medicine New Drugs. Secondary outcome was blood glucose level including fasting blood glucose, 2-h postprandial blood glucose (2 hPG), and glycated hemoglobin (HbA1c) at baseline and 6 months after intervention. Serum HbA1c level reflects a patient’s blood glucose concentration during the previous 2–3 months, so it was taken into consideration as an essential indicator [22].
The primary outcome in Zhang et al. study [29] was glucose control, including the changes (from baseline to months 3 and 6) in the HbA1c level. The major adverse event was hypoglycemia. Hypoglycemia was defined as BG ≤3.9 mmol/L [21].
In the Sun study, there were intervention and control groups. Primary outcome was self-administered blood glucose level. HbA1c level was measured at 3 and 6 months [23].
The primary outcome of Quinn study [24] was the change in HbA1c (% of total hemoglobin) in the control group versus in the intervention group, at baseline versus at 12 months. HbA1c levels were recorded at baseline and at 3, 6, 9, and 12 months. Patient data were retrieved from medical charts [24].
Intervention Features
We will describe a mobile application intervention based on each of the studies that we included in this review. Holmen et al., [26]: To increase self-management comprised of 3 intervention groups: the Few Touch Application (FTA) intervention group, the FTA with health counseling (FTA-HC) intervention group, and the control group. The FTA-HC group received health counseling for the first 4 months of the project period. The health counseling was based on the transtheoretical model of stages of change and a problem-solving model, and used motivational interviewing as a counseling technique. The health counseling in the present study was part of the mHealth intervention.
Waki et al., [27]. DialBetics is composed of 4 modules. First is the data transmission module: patients’ data—blood glucose, blood pressure, body weight, and pedometer counts. Second is the evaluation module: data are automatically evaluated following the Japan Diabetes Society (JDS) guideline’s targeted values. Third is the communication module: about meals, and advice on lifestyle modification. Fourth is dietary evaluation: patients’ photos of meals are sent to the server.
Quinn et al., [25]. The mobile software allowed patients to enter diabetes self-care data (blood glucose values, carbohydrate intake, medications, other diabetes management information) on a mobile phone and receive automated, real-time educational, behavioral, and motivational messaging specific to the entered data. The patient web portal augmented the mobile software application and consisted of a secure messaging center (for patient-provider communication), personal health record with additional diabetes information (e.g., laboratory values, eye examinations, foot screenings), learning library, and logbook to review historical data.
Franc et al., [28]. A reference nurse initiates the patient to the use of the DIABEO app on his smartphone. The patient enters relevant data (glycemia, physical activity, and ingested carbohydrates) and DIABEO calculates the insulin dose (an eventual dose adaptations). These data are sent every 2 h to a platform that is continuously visible by the reference nurse and the investigator.
Xu et al., [22]. The smartphone app for diabetes management was composed of 4 modules: syndrome differentiation, body differentiation and health preservation, thesaurus, and interactive follow-up. A reminder message would be received if the patients forget to complete that in time. The diabetes educators can track the data from the app and provide specific guidance and suggestions for the clients.
Zhang et al., [21]. Welltang app mainly comprises 4 parts: education, self-management (including records of SMBG, diet, exercise, medication, body weight, and other diabetes data), patient community, and communication between patients and clinicians. For clinicians, Welltang mainly provided the real-time uploading of data from patients.
Quinn et al., [24]. Mobile diabetes management software application (MDMA) allowed patients to enter diabetes self-care data (blood glucose values, carbohydrate intake, medications, and other diabetes management information) on a mobile phone and receive automated, real-time messages that were educational, behavioral, motivational, and specific to the entered data.
Sun et al., [23]. Patients uploaded the glucometer data to the mHealth management app which was then automatically transmitted to the medical server (glucometer was connected to the mobile phone via Bluetooth). The medical teams sent medical advice and reminders to patients to monitor their glucose levels via the personal messaging app or telephonically every 2 weeks.
This systematic review provides an overview of studies on mobile applications in improving HbA1c and hypoglycemic control among T2DM patients. The highest decrease in HbA1c was 1.9% which is relatively high compared to several previous studies, which found a decrease in HbA1c of 0.49% [30] and 0.51% [31]. There was no subgroup analysis in studies involving patients in different age groups. In general, it can be concluded that mobile application interventions can provide the same benefits for younger (<55 years) or older (≥55 years) T2DM patients. It is inconsistent with findings from a previous systematic review [30], which suggested that ST interventions were more effective for younger T2DM patients than older patients. The mobile applications in the included studies are complex and generally include more than one component. Almost all studies evaluate mobile applications related to lifestyle modification and self-monitoring of blood glucose. Therefore, it is logical to conclude that a decrease in HbA1c is associated with improving the patient's lifestyle. Although quality improvement programs are usually multi-component, they are more oriented towards targeting changes in health care provider behavior or service delivery models [32]. Interventions using mobile applications have a stronger focus on empowering patient behavior change. A systematic review Barreira et al., [33] showed that exercise effectively reduced HbA1c. Of the four included studies, which have included a component of exercise adherence monitoring [23,26,27], this suggests that a mobile application may be an effective adjunct to controlling HbA1c, or It is more common to enhance lifestyle modification efforts among type 2 DM patients. These studies also suggest considering the mobile application as a complementary intervention that can be used in diabetes self-care strategies more effectively through lifestyle modification and self-monitoring blood glucose. In the included studies, self-monitoring of blood glucose was also included as part of a mobile application intervention, while its effectiveness in controlling DM was uncertain.
A previous systematic review study Xu et al., [34] concluded that SMBG only contributed to a 0.46% decrease in HbA1c. Available evidence suggests that SMBG can promote self-management, increase medication adherence rates, and improve the patient's ability to detect hypoglycemia [35]. However, the UK National Institute for Health and Care Excellence guidelines state that SMBG is not recommended as part of routine DM management but should be considered in subgroups of patients, such as those receiving insulin therapy and patients prone to hypoglycemia [36]. Current clinical practice guidelines recommend close monitoring of HbA1c and titration of drug therapy instead [37]. It was difficult for us to find relevant literature on mobile applications to reduce the risk of hypoglycemia in both type 1 and type 2 DM patients. Several studies that we included in this review made hypoglycemia a secondary outcome. The results obtained from the two studies stated that there was no significant difference between the intervention group and the control group. Reports of signs and symptoms of hypoglycemia occurred only once or twice in 1 year of follow-up [25,28]. However, post hoc analyses of the Action to Control Cardiovascular Risk in Diabetes (ACCORD) trial indicated an increased hypoglycemia risk in type 2 diabetic participants with poorer glycemic control than subjects with more desirable HbA1c levels, irrespective of assigned treatment group [38]. Based on this statement, it can be concluded that from all studies included in this review, the mobile application can provide an effect on controlling hypoglycemia levels in Type 2 DM patients, although it is not clearly stated how the mechanism is. Little is known about the relationship between glycemic control and hypoglycemia in the usual care setting, where clinical decision-making about treatment intensity occurs and is modified throughout a patient's life [39].
Based on the two studies included in this review, it appears that there is no significant effect of the use of mobile phone applications on the quality of life of people with diabetes. The possible cause of no significant change in the quality of life before and after using the application is the age of the participants, most of which are in the elderly who feel less interested in using technology, especially smartphone-based [26]. The elderly need more intensive guidance regarding the use of technology applications, usually the elderly ask to be accompanied by family members or people who care for them. For the elderly who feel the exhaustion of their illness, they often hand over the responsibility to the people who take care of them [40,41].
In conclusion, mobile application can enhance HbA1c and hypoglycemia among T2DM patients. Because providing patient education face to face is time-consuming, the use of mobile application may be an effective complement or alternative for healthcare professionals to manage the rapidly increasing number of diabetes patients. Because providing patient education face to face is time-consuming, the use of mobile application as an educational media may be an effective complement or alternative for healthcare professionals to manage the rapidly increasing number of diabetes patients. The evidence suggests that organizations, diabetes educators, policy makers, and payers should consider these solutions in the design of diabetes self-management education and support services for population health and value-based care models. With the widespread adoption of mobile phones, digital health solutions that incorporate evidence-based, behaviorally designed interventions can improve the reach of and access to diabetes self-management education and ongoing support.
We have identified several limitations in this study, including limited access to several good-quality databases, which are expected to provide broader search results. In addition, studies that matched our inclusion criteria were also very limited with regard to hypoglycemic control. We also considered potential bias related to different intervention/app, duration of intervention, and the limited numbers of RCTs included. Also, in the search strategy, some important databases are missing.
Funding statement
This research did not receive any specific grant from funding agencies in the public, commercial, or not for profit sectors.
Competing interests statement
There are no competing interests for this study.
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Nurses' experiences and emotions in the face of changes caused by the COVID-19 pandemic: a phenomenological study
Sara Muzzicato1, Lorenza Garrino2, Vincenzo Alastra2, Valeria Miazzo1
- Opera San Camillo Foundation, Turin
- Master Executive Narrative Practices in Care Professions, COREP, Turin
*Corresponding author: Sara Muzzicato, Department of Rehabilitation, Recovery and Functional Rehabilitation Level 2, Fondazione Opera San Camillo, Turin. Email:
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Introduction: Following the Covid-19 pandemic, healthcare personnel had to face a very difficult period linked to the healthcare emergency, with important repercussions from a professional and personal point of view. These aspects have been explored by numerous researches on an international level, but only a small number of articles have investigated the phenomenon in the Italian context. The aim of this research is to describe the experience of healthcare workers in a Covid ward, exploring their emotional responses.
Materials and Methods: The study consists of a qualitative research with a phenomenological approach according to Giorgi. Narrative interviews were used with healthcare workers who worked in a Covid ward at the San Camillo health centre in Turin, a hospital specialising in second level functional recovery and re-education.
Results: Through the field research, 12 interviews were collected, involving 9 nurses and 3 social-health workers, working in a ward dedicated to the care of Covid-19 patients. The common themes that emerged concerned: the beginning of the Covid operator's "journey", characterised by a profound change in professional life since the beginning of the pandemic; the whirlwind of emotions and feelings experienced (fear, feeling blocked, annulled, powerless, depersonalised by suits and masks, anguish due to both physical and psychological isolation, etc.); relations with family members and friends; the relationship with the patient's family; relations with the operators' families; the risk of contagion and the fear of infecting oneself and one's loved ones; the group as a handhold for not giving up, as a point of strength, union and trust; the awareness of change with the desire to take one's own life back into one's own hands, taking advantage of the good things this time can give.
Conclusions: The research highlights the ability of the operators to identify positive aspects in the experiences lived, the union and trust in the group and the support of the family despite the strong fear of contagion. There are also important suggestions to reinforce strategies for dealing with such health emergencies and the importance for each individual in feeling accompanied throughout the process, in the difficult challenges they face.
Keywords: Covid-19, Experiences, Nursing, Narrative, Phenomenological approach.
On 31 December 2019, Chinese Health Authorities reported to the World Health Organisation a cluster of cases of pneumonia of unknown aetiology in the city of Wuhan, in China's Hubei province. On 9 January 2020, the Centre for Disease Control and Prevention of China reported that a new coronavirus (SARS-CoV-2)[1] was identified as the causative agent of the respiratory disease later named Covid-19. China made public the genome sequence that enabled a diagnostic test and on 30 January 2020, the World Health Organisation (WHO)[2] declared the Coronavirus outbreak in China to be an "International Public Health Emergency" [3,4]. From then on, the word 'COVID-19' has indicated the disease associated with the SARS-CoV-2 virus (severe acute respiratory syndrome coronavirus 2), characterised by mild symptoms (fever, sore throat, fatigue, muscle pain, loss of taste and smell) or more severe symptoms (pneumonia, respiratory failure)[5]. Such symptoms have often led to the need for intensive care[6,7], thus causing high pressure on hospitals struggling to cope with too many patients to care for [8]. In this catastrophic scenario linked to the epidemic, Italy was one of the countries most affected[9]. Between the beginning of February and 30 November 2020, 1,651,229 positive Covid-19 cases were diagnosed by Regional Reference Laboratories and reported to the Italian National Institute of Health (NIH) - Italian National Integrated Surveillance System by 20 December 2020[10].
The pandemic has had different intensities and lethality in Italy compared to the rest of Europe. Differences in lethality rates are explained by: demographics, as mortality tends to be higher in older populations with co-morbidities; characteristics of the healthcare system, where there are organisational shortcomings, initial delays in understanding the severity of the emergency, deficits in infection tracking systems, hospitals overwhelmed by admissions, etc.; differences in the number of people tested; and different levels of virus aggressiveness[11].
Italy faced an unprecedented health crisis, with serious shortages of health professionals and difficulties in procuring personal protective equipment. New organisational models had to be implemented and hospital inpatient facilities had to be rapidly transformed into units suitable for the care of pandemic patients[12].
The NIH weekly bulletin of 28 April 2020 stated that 47.4% of the cases of infection among healthcare personnel were nurses[13].
In Italy[14] according to the provincial records, 40 nurses died, 32 of whom with the Covid-19 disease (positive swab), 4 with Covid-related illness (for whom the viral pathology was a favourable factor) and 4 (positive in any manner) for whom the mode of death was suicide[15]. A different view of the same phenomenon is reported by the monitoring as of 15 June 2020 conducted by INAIL (Italian National Institute for Insurance against Accidents at Work). INAIL, considering the accident reports referring only to insured workers, certified that there were a total of 236 deaths from Covid-19, of which 40% were healthcare professionals and 61% were nurses. In this complex epidemiological and healthcare framework, healthcare personnel reported the consequences of significant psychophysical stress with experiences and emotions still largely to be explored. Arasli et al. (2020)[16] explored experiences during the Covid-19 pandemic through testimonies written by nurses on social media through qualitative research. The study showed a high level of stress among healthcare professionals related to the risk and fear of becoming infected. Labrague et al. (2020)[17], through a quantitative study conducted in a region of the Philippines, highlighted high dysfunctional levels of anxiety in frontline nurses, while recording an increase in their resilience. On the Italian scene, Catania et al. (2020)[18] carried out qualitative research involving nurses from all regions of the peninsula. This study highlighted the enormous impact of COVID-19 on nurses, the need to identify new working practices, and highlighted the high-risk nature of nursing, exacerbated by the difficulty in Personal Protective Equipment (PPE) availability. In addition to reporting the high levels of stress experienced by the interviewees, the element of narratives also highlighted the resilience of the nursing community. Qualitative research was conducted by De Vito et al.[19], through the narratives of paediatric doctors and nurses in the paediatric emergency room of the Regina Margherita hospital. The authors emphasise how much the number of admissions in the paediatric sector had fallen, reflecting profoundly on changes in care, but also on the relationship itself with and between patients.
The results of the study show how the act of describing helped participants to process and understand their experience. Storytelling provided a cathartic means for participants to reformulate the events they experienced, rationalising them and making sense of them. In the Turin landscape, the experiences of nursing students were investigated. Garrino et al. (2021)[20], through a qualitative study, emphasised the changes induced by Covid-19 in nursing education. The need to use distance learning and the impossibility of doing internships during the pandemic period created many difficulties in training students. The narrative approach[21] and reflective thinking[22] aim to capture the latent aspects and hidden meanings of the complex pandemic reality[23,24].
The aim of the research is to describe the experience of health workers on a Covid ward, exploring their experiences and emotions.
Study design
In this study, a qualitative methodology was used to investigate subjective phenomena, based on the assumption that fundamental truths about reality are rooted in people's lived experiences. This method allows for exploration of experiences by the person who has them, attempting to describe the meanings that the individual creates and gives to that experience, understanding the structure, nature and form, as perceived by the individual[25]. This survey aims to understand the experience of nurses and social workers during the first wave in a ward caring for Covid-19 patients, and who are now called upon again to provide the same type of care, in order to find out how the workers in question have responded to a pandemic emergency which, in addition to involving the work aspect, has invaded the personal sphere.
The San Camillo hospital, as a hospital specialising in second-level functional recovery and rehabilitation, provides intensive rehabilitation treatment in the post-acute phase of the illness. The hospital has five departments that fulfil this function.
In November 2020, during the second wave of the pandemic, two wards were dedicated to the care of Covid patients. The health workers of these two wards, defined as 'COVID staff', had to cope with this new situation with various difficulties that have also characterised many healthcare facilities in Italy, but in this second phase they were able to use sufficient and appropriate PPE. The COVID wards of the facility were designed for a maximum capacity of 20 beds and intended for the care of patients coming from the intensive care units of other hospitals and in the sub-acute phase. Other patients in the early stages of the disease came directly from the emergency rooms of local hospitals, which could not cope with all the demand at that time. During admission, the intention was to stabilise the clinical condition and ventilatory support consisted of a Venturi mask or nasal cannulae, not having the tools provided in intensive care, such as assisted ventilation or intubation of the patient. The hospitalisation continued until the swab was negative, although the symptoms had already receded. Few of these patients died in the facility. The research was conducted in only one of the two Covid departments (with the participation of three respondents who worked in the second department, but who had worked sporadic shifts in the Covid department under consideration).
In this study, nurses and social workers (OSS) working in the Covid ward of the San Camillo hospital in Turin agreed to participate. Participants include the researcher (MS), in the role of observer-participant.
Mode of data collection
The study was based on a collection of semi-structured interviews consisting of 11 open-ended questions (Box 1) and proposed directly to the persons involved by email[26,27]. Respondents participated on a voluntary basis. Non-probabilistic, purposive sampling continued until data saturation, collected between 15 December 2020 and 15 January 2021. The questions for the semi-structured interviews were elaborated with the narrative interview method[28] and were chosen through the "SIFA" method, in order to try to explore each sphere of interest regarding Feelings, Ideas, Functions/Activities of the client, Expectations[29].
Methods of data analysis
For data analysis, the phenomenological method according to Giorgi (2008)[30] was used (Box 2). The interviews were read over and over again, seeking personal assessments through a suspension of judgement. Subsequently, an attempt was made to find common areas of meaning describing the most important themes reported by the interviewees[31,32]. The analysis was conducted independently by researchers S.M., L.G., V.A. and V.M. They then compared their work using the triangulation method[33]. During the analysis, the researchers reflected on their own values and suspended judgements, knowledge and ideas about the phenomenon under study[34].
Ethical consideration
The persons involved voluntarily agreed to answer the interview and signed an informed consent on the use and processing of the data. The research was authorised by the Health Directorate and the General Directorate of the San Camillo Hospital.
Through field research, 12 interviews were collected. Table 1 shows the socio-demographic data of the participants.
Table 1 - Social and personal data of participants
The average age of those involved is 30, with a minimum age of 23 and a maximum age of 47. All operators were professionally trained in Italy. None have postgraduate or Master's degrees. Several main and recurring themes emerged from the analysis of the interviews. These macro-categories bring us back to the experience of the participants. Terminology as presented and written by the interviewees themselves is reported, outlining the importance of the meanings expressed by them. The following themes emerged: the beginning of the Covid worker's 'journey' and the whirlwind of emotions and feelings that accompanied that (fear, feeling stuck, helpless, powerless, concerns for one's family in relation to the risk of contagion and the fear of infecting oneself and loved ones), the group as a foothold to keep going, a point of strength, union and provider of trust, the awareness of change, the cognition of time and the constructive vision of the experience (table 2).
Table 2 – Main themes emerging from the analysis
The start of the Covid worker's 'journey'
The interviews reveal the profound change that occurred in the participants' professional lives at the beginning of the pandemic. Most of them talk about the impossibility of choosing whether to work in a Covid department or not, often indicating it as a decision linked to a sense of duty fulfilment.
[...] "It wasn't really a personal choice to join the Covid team... I happened to be there, and I was probably OK with that." [...] (interview 1)
[...] "I didn't really have a choice in deciding whether I could work closely with Covid-positive patients... So compared to my start in a Covid department, I can't even explain how it came about." [...] (interview 3)
Participants underline the initial impact they had following the news, accompanied by a set of feelings that were difficult to deal with at the time and to talk about later. They describe thoughts, emotions and sensations and there are often conflicting feelings, accompanied by fear, anxiety and stress.
[...] "Literally thrown into the deep end... My thoughts were questions. Why? Why? Why? So many questions that had no answers." [...] (interview 8)
[...] "I'm still trying to figure it out... on the front line in a Covid ward... I wasn't chosen, I found myself there almost by accident." [...] (interview 7)
In the interviews, the theme of travel emerges significantly, as a symbol of uncertainty and restlessness in trying to know and explore unknown places; as well as the theme of battle, almost as if they had to fulfil a destiny already written in their professional profile.
[...] "I didn't feel chosen, I felt enlisted in an impromptu army for an impromptu battle... I was there, so I had to fight... I had the fear and adrenaline of those who leave without knowing the destination and the consequences of their journey." [...] (interview 4)
A whirlwind of emotions and feelings: fear, feeling stuck, helpless, powerless
Concerning the emotions felt during this long experience by the health workers, many of them found themselves facing different difficulties, multiple fears and feelings, one of the main ones being isolation, not only physical but also psychological.
[...] "I avoided even the contact allowed by the Decrees, I isolated myself completely, more than was necessary... All you can do is wake up in the morning and wonder when it will end... I would have liked to live fully, not at the mercy of anxiety and worry. [...] (interview 1)
[...] "I would arrive home drained, feeling nothing but tiredness that muffled all the outside world." [...] (interview 2)
[...] "I see myself as someone who put aside feelings and sensations to face a big battle, so today I don't even remember what I was feeling... We have lost all consciousness, we no longer saw well, we no longer heard well, we no longer spoke much..." [...] (interview 3)
Respondents write that they feel alone in this battle, misunderstood, stuck and aimless, depersonalised, helpless due to the suits and masks, powerless before an invisible enemy so difficult to defeat.
[...] "When I finish a shift, I feel like I have finished a test under stress... as though I had passed a test... many times I felt like I hadn't made it, as though the ground was sinking from under my feet, other times I felt empty, as though under that suit there was almost nothing left... as if I had failed, as if I hadn't done enough." [...] (interview 4)
[...] "I remember the fear... and the tiredness because I had been alone in facing that new beginning so physically and psychologically intense... The whole condition of isolation puts a lot of pressure on you psychologically... I felt powerless, a nobody before something so big... I felt like a wrapper, a container whose contents had been disposed of along with the protective suit." [...] (interview 5)
The family and the risk of contagion: the fear of infecting oneself and one's loved ones
A topic that is repeated in almost every narrative is the importance of family affection. This theme is often addressed in the interviews, emphasising the importance that health workers attached to the support given by their loved ones, but at the same time linked to the constant fear of infecting themselves and consequently their families.
[...] "If I get infected will I be sick? And at home? If mum and dad get ill? Who will take care of Granny if we are sick? What if Granny gets sick?" [...] (interview 1)
[...] "I was afraid though, afraid of not being up to it and afraid of infecting myself and my loved ones." [...] (interview 2)
[...] "The biggest fear I had was that I would get worse and that I could infect my partner... that last idea drove me mad." [...] (interview 5)
There was a high level of stress among the interviewees, which, despite everything, also contributed to an increase in attention and precautions regarding safety regulations, the correct use of personal protective equipment and the correct way of disposing of it.
[...] "At the onset, I didn't have tumultuous emotions, it was the people next to me who were really very worried and I honestly experienced their emotion... The first thing I think about when I start my shift is that I must not get sick, so I must do everything I can to avoid infection." [...] (interview 3)
[...] "I try to be focused because you can let your guard down due to tiredness and then risk getting infected." [...] (interview 12)
Conflict with PPE: distancing, anonymity and protection
The interviews reveal the perceptions of nurses and social workers obliged to wear "all those layers of latex", exploring their experiences in relation to the care provided to their patients on the Covid ward. Nurses and social workers talk of overalls, double gloves, double masks, footwear, goggles and face shields which, while vital for working on Covid wards, have raised barriers between staff and patients.
[...] "A person covered from head to toe without knowing what he looks like or not remembering his name, as if he wasn't human... and all I know of this person are his brown eyes surrounded by a mask and a big suit." [...] (interview 1)
[...]“"Halfway between astronauts and aliens!" [...] (interview 2)
[...]“I never imagined that I would keep my physical and moral distance from a patient in such a way that I could become one of the many operators, just any operator, someone easily replaceable... I didn't use to feel naked unless wearing a gown, visor and mask, whereas now I do." [...] (interview 3)
[...]“"So many little white men, completely covered by overalls, gowns, masks, gloves and visor, almost clumsy in their movements and practically indistinguishable from each other... What I miss most is being able to show my smile to the patients, free from masks, and to shake their hands, free from those multiple layers of gloves." [...] (interview 5)
[...]“Living diving suits... it's as though there were a thousand barriers, a thousand layers separating us...a gentle caress with double latex gloves is not the same..."[...] (interview 6)
The group as a foothold for not giving up: strength, unity and trust
From the interviews, it emerges that the group has been a strong point, an important support for the health workers to go on and not give up.
[...] "I have never believed in the motto 'unity is strength' as I do now... in April there were so many brave little soldiers, in November we were one giant soldier...I don't feel alone, never; I feel escorted, I feel that someone is looking out for me as I am looking out for someone else... the working group has become a family... I would get through this as long as I had this team to rely on." [...] (interview 4)
[...] "I am grateful to her for that moment, for understanding me and giving me strength when she was probably also on her last legs. We hugged each other when we left the hospital, amidst tears. I don't think I could have done it without her that day." (Interview 6)
[...] "We have been able to overcome some difficult moments only thanks to our unity. (Interview 7)
According to the interviewees, coping with such a complex period with one's team helped to increase cohesion, strengthen group dynamics and was often the driving force needed to cope with stressful situations.
[...] "The wonderful team I have the honour of sharing this experience with has become very cohesive. We all worked together for the same goal on the same road, holding hands, hugging ideally, supporting each other, experiencing the same feelings, falling down and helping each other up." [...] (interview 3)
[...]“"I believe that the greatest strength came from the working group, which I have never before felt close to me, or rather part of me... in the group set up for the Covid emergency, I really found a rock to rely on. We work with common principles, side by side to achieve the same goals. What I perceive between us is harmony, respect and sharing"[...] (interview 5)
Awareness of change: time, self-work, constructive view of the experience
What emerges from the interviews is the strength and the desire to take charge of one's own life again, the desire to make it through this pandemic, trying to find a positive side, not to throw everything away, to seize what good can come from this experience. From the words of those interviewed, one can see a devastating past and present, which has affected people greatly, but also a future full of hope.
[...] "I hope to be myself with some more awareness, especially about what was taken for granted before Covid... I'm happy to still feel like myself, to not want to give in to the suffering that Covid forced us to face every day." [...] (interview 2)
[...]“"I worked on myself like we all did...The nurse I loved to be is here somewhere, she is not gone... My job will go back to that wonderful normality I loved, with some more experience, some scars that won't go away, some indelible memories..."[...] (interview 4)
[...]“"I hope to still be the same, with more experience on my shoulders. Of course, the pandemic has changed everything and everyone, but life goes on and you have to think about facing the next enemy."[...] (interview 8)
[...]“"I hope to see myself proud of what I have done, I hope to have left a good memory in the people I have met and I will be able to say this one is gone too." [...] (interview 12)
The aim of this study was to describe the experience of healthcare workers in a Covid ward, exploring their emotional experiences and attempting to capture the meanings that the individual creates and gives to that experience, understanding the structure, nature and form, as perceived by the individual. This survey collected the experiences of nurses and social and health workers who worked in a ward for the treatment of patients affected by Covid-19, in order to know how they responded to an emergency situation that not only involved the work aspect but also invaded the personal sphere. From the data collected, it emerges that the pandemic is immediately experienced by health workers as insidious, bringing uncertainties and anxiety, emotions and feelings that can be traced back to a scenario reminiscent of a battle. You feel overwhelmed by a storm, you prepare for the arrival of a real 'enemy' [19], you find yourself united by the same feelings, but at the same time alone and ill-prepared, forced to take the to the field with the few weapons available. This describes the whirlwind of emotions, fears, worries, feelings of helplessness, a mixture of negative feelings in which there is rarely any slight hope for the future. In the interviews, all subjects tell of their fears: of becoming sick and infected, of being isolated, of not being ready to face the big changes in the work structure. This issue is dealt with extensively by Catania et al.[18] and by De Vito et al.[19], highlighting how the narratives of the nurses, also working in different wards, underline the common theme of the physical and psychological impact that the change in work organisation had on the same individual workers and on team work. In the study by Arasli et al[16], 'fear' and 'risk' were two of the most frequently used words by nurses in social media during the pandemic. Among the feelings experienced there is certainly no lack of anxiety, which is expressed several times in the narratives considered in this study and is also widely described in the article by Labrague et al.[17]. From the data collected it emerges how the entire pandemic situation forces nurses and social and health workers to create a different way of being workers, a situation that almost imposes a different way of directing the therapeutic relationship no longer mediated by touch, words, reciprocal dialogue and the security of familiar clothing, but hindered by the trappings of a distancing "dress" and by the impossibility of speech that bring out a problematic core of objectification of care. This aspect emphasises how to deal with health emergencies, without at the same time renouncing the humanity of the therapeutic relationship that characterises this profession. All the images described in the interviews are of 'detachment' from one's own body which, within the innumerable protective layers within which it is forced, finds itself taking on a form unknown to the eyes of the subjects themselves. These people are the same as those who performed acts of care, but in doing so they all felt equal and experienced a human closeness made up only of glances. From the narratives of this research, a strong spirit of adaptation and resilience emerges in nurses, aspects also described by Catania et al.[18] and Labrague et al.[17]. This theme was widely taken up in the interviews, allowing us to outline through these nurses "made of suits and personal protective equipment", an image in which latex and nitrile are transformed into a material capable of absorbing a shock without breaking, to face and overcome a traumatic and extreme event, to give hope in the future. Wu Y. et al. [35] show that doctors and nurses working in Covid wards experienced lower levels of anxiety, depression and burnout than those working in their usual wards, with a response to the pandemic characterised by a high level of adaptation and resilience. The participants of our study emphasised that the team proved to be the most important strength in overcoming daily difficulties within the Covid department. The objectives for which the group meets and works together and the dynamics of consolidation of the process that forms the working group, from interaction to integration[35], are essentially described in both processes and activities: the group intervenes whenever someone is in difficulty; a hand is always extended towards the other when one finds oneself lost in what should be a known world but has become an unexplored labyrinth. The feeling of belonging to the group is found to be a decisive positive factor also among the students of the article by Garrino et al.[20], which underlines how the comparison between peers and the support provided by peers are a decisive element to deal positively with the practical traineeship experience.
Another important theme that emerged from the interviews was time. A time that sometimes expands, sometimes shrinks, but which must be lived anyway[19]. In fact, the impact of the pandemic marked a deep rift between what was before and what would be after. This perception had different effects. On the one hand, it made them feel stuck and unable to imagine the future from such an uncertain present; on the other hand, it allowed them to discover new physical spaces and adopt new or renewed daily habits which helped them to imagine a possible future. The perspectives described are linked to fear, but also to the hope that normality will be re-established, both on the horizon of care and in daily life. These reflections represent an added value that contributes to a greater understanding of oneself and the role that one's experiences played during the emergency. Narratives have been a useful tool for making sense and meaning of the experiences associated with the pandemic experience[19].
The research explored the lived experiences of a small group of health workers working in a Covid ward during the pandemic in November 2020. Telling stories was a chance to give shape to the situations experienced, continuing to plan oneself, giving new meaning and significance to one's existence. Narrative and mutual listening practices were recognised as very useful and effective in capturing and understanding meanings, emotions and representations about one's professional role and wider existential issues. This research provides evidence to improve the strategies to deal with a health emergency by listening to personal experiences and thoughts, by accepting the emotions and feelings felt by the care professionals, experiences and representations that, many times, in these situations the caregiver may struggle to express or, even, prefers to keep hidden under his uniform. It can be concluded that narrative medicine used in care environments, in situations where there is no space and time for the individual, offers the possibility to improve and increase the communication and cooperation skills of all; to develop new knowledge of each operator to improve the relationship with others; to give meaning and value to the experience of care of health workers and help them to process and alleviate, as far as possible, the emotional stress that accompanies them in the difficult path of care.
Data were collected by sending an interview outline via email. This method was chosen due to the lack of opportunities to conduct the interview due to the national lock-down and to allow the interviewees to express themselves freely and openly without time constraints. this deprived the research of elements concerning the conducting and interaction aspects that usually characterise face-to-face interviews.
No funding sources were used to support the project. There is no conflict of interest.
No formal approval by the Local Ethics Committee was required for this study.
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Box 1 – Interview outline
1. Could you tell me how your adventure in the Covid ward started?
2. What was the first thought that came into your mind when you were chosen as Covid-19 worker?
3. How do you think your way of working has changed compared to before?
4. If you saw yourself through the eyes of a patient, how would you describe yourself?
5. How do you feel and what do you think when you finish your shift and leave the hospital?
6. And what do you think and feel when you have to start a shift?
7. has anything changed in the working group compared to previous months? If so, what?
8. Can you tell me an episode that made you think you could deal with all this with your team?
Box 2 – Giorgi's method (2008)
A. Read the whole description of the experience with the aim of making sense of it all
B. Rereading the descriptions to discover the essences of the experience. Observe every time a transaction takes place in meaning. Make these meaning units or themes abstract
C. Examine units of meaning for redundancy, clarification or elaboration. Relate units of meaning to each other and to the meaning of the whole
D. Reflect on the units of meaning and extrapolating the essence of the experience for each participant. Transform each unit of meaning into scientific language
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Attribution-NonCommercial-NoDerivatives 4.0 International License.
Assessing the outcome of admissions: Pilot study in a High Intensity Psychiatric Residential Facility
Pierluigi Ricchiuto1, Stefania Impicci2, Martina Schiano3
1.Nurse at the Department of Emergency and Acceptance, Emergency Department - OBI, Asl Napoli 2 Nord, Santa Maria delle Grazie Hospital, Pozzuoli.
2.Nurse at "Casa Rossa" Residential Rehabilitation Centre. Area Vasta 2 - Ancona.
3.Nurse at UOS Clinical Risk, AORN - Ospedale dei Colli, Monaldi Hospital, Naples.
*Corresponding Author: Pierluigi Ricchiuto, Department of Emergency and Acceptance, Emergency Department - OBI, Asl Napoli 2 Nord, Santa Maria delle Grazie Hospital, Pozzuoli.
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Background: The Italian health system related to mental disorders is currently experiencing a period of radical reforms. This process began in 1978 with the adoption of the law 180 which produced a radical reform in mental health care. The problems of the continuous confrontation with increasing levels of expenditure are reflected in the search for models to improve both the efficiency and effectiveness of the health care system. Among these, the value creation model proposes to optimize the relationship between effectiveness, quality, and appropriateness of care on the one hand, and efficiency, cost and how resources are used on the other. The intervention involves redesigning services on the principles of recovery; implementing treatments supported by scientific evidence; encouraging processes of social inclusion. The proposed rehabilitation interventions are recovery oriented that place the person at the center of his rehabilitation path, motivating him in assuming responsibility for the treatment proposed during hospitalization.
Objective: Evaluate the impact of the organisational reorganisation of the DSM S.R.R Regional Health Service of Ancona Area Vasta 2 by introducing evidence-based and recovery-oriented practices through the evaluation of clinical outcomes and psychosocial functioning.
Methods: Longitudinal descriptive observational study with evaluation of a cohort of 13 patients, hospitalized in residential and semi-residential care at SRP1 “Casa Rossa” Area Vasta 2 of Ancona, by administration of a questionnaire (HoNOS) at the time of recruitment (February 2019), at 6 months (August 2019) and at 12 months (February 2020). The 12 items of the questionnaire were grouped into four subsets: behavioural problems (items 1-3), deficits and disabilities (items 4-5), psychopathological symptoms (items 6-8) and relational/environmental problems (items 9-12).
Results: Survey results show a reduction in mean scores at 6 and 12 months compared to baseline in all subscales.
Conclusions: Intensive mental health residential facilities need to put more effort into evaluating effectiveness in practice, using appropriate tools for outcome assessment and analysis of results. It is possible, in daily clinical practice, to evaluate the outcome of admissions in order to satisfactorily describe the changes induced during the period of hospitalization.
Keywords: outcome of care, mental health, psychiatric facility, biopsychosocial.
The Department of Mental Health (DSM in Italian) is the set of facilities and services whose task is to take charge of the demand for care, assistance and protection of mental health; it is the body which governs, coordinates and manages Community Psychiatry, guaranteeing the unity and integration of psychiatric services within the area of competence defined by ASUR Marche [1]. Moreover, the DSM's task is to promote mental health and quality of life in the target population; to guarantee primary and secondary prevention of mental disorders with the early detection of situations of distress and tertiary prevention with the reconstruction of the affective, relational, social and work fabric [2]. The typology of psychiatric residential facilities is distinguished both by the level of therapeutic-rehabilitative intervention, related to the level of impairment of the patient's functions and abilities (and its treatability), and by the level of care intensity offered, related to the overall degree of autonomy. Psychiatric residential facilities for intensive therapeutic rehabilitation treatment (SRP1) are facilities for patients with severely impaired personal and social functioning. These structures play a transitional role, aimed at reintegrating the patient into his/her usual living environment (generally family) [3,4]. The intervention areas of SPR1 concern the clinical psychiatric, psychological, rehabilitation, resocialisation and coordination areas. The new organisation of the Psychiatric Residential Facilities (SRP in Italian) of the Area Vasta 2 DSM is part of the new organisation suggested by the Unified Conference Agreement of 17 October 2013 [5] and subsequently accepted at regional level by D.G.R.M. 1331/14 [6], where the concept of residency is declined in a different way of managing psychological distress. The user is no longer placed in a purely medical dimension, but an individual project is built in agreement with other professionals. Therefore, the care pathway must be configured as a project characterised by: unity, continuity, multidisciplinarity, high organisational complexity, relevant professional specificity and ability to manage sociomedical integration [7]. It is based on the integration of specific activities such as: clinical and rehabilitation activities, care activities, family and social mediation, networking and coordination. The realisation of this pathway implies a strong investment in team work, understood as a multi-professional group able to develop an accurate reading of the patient's biopsychosocial dimension, to integrate the observation data and to modulate a coherently articulated therapeutic planning. Thus, the 'biopsychosocial' model systematically employs biological, psychological and social factors, including their complex interactions, in the understanding of psychophysical health and the choice of therapeutic intervention [8]. Consequently, by focusing on the unitary and global approach to the person, the biopsychosocial model is the one most conducive to an interdisciplinary approach between the various professions, such as doctors, psychologists, social workers and educators. For patients with severe mental illnesses, controlling symptoms, regaining a positive sense of self, dealing with stigma and discrimination, and trying to lead a productive and satisfying life is increasingly referred to as an ongoing process of recovery [9]. Equally important is to enhance personal attitudes and skills such as communication skills, enthusiasm and willingness to learn, cultural background and to develop the practice of outcome assessment among practitioners. Patient care in residential psychiatric facilities is therefore linked to a practice oriented towards therapeutic continuity and is implemented through individual projects [10]. In past years, at national and regional level, activity data have shown a progressive lengthening of hospital stays, with a consequent reduction in patient turnover. In this sense, psychiatric residency has often taken on the function of a 'housing solution' rather than being functional to the 'individual treatment project', generating the danger that SRPs are used for forms of new institutionalisation. All SRPs should therefore provide for light residential care with assistance, which facilitates the transition from the structure to the territory [3].
There is a need for evidence-based assessment and rehabilitation activities in order to provide residents with the possibility of being involved in social interactions outside of the facilities, and possibly with opportunities for sheltered work and social integration. Indeed, work, social relationships and independence are aspects of quality of life recognised as important by both patients and their treating physicians [11]. Well-designed rehabilitation plans, adapted to the needs of each patient, are mandatory to foster the development of independence, increase the likelihood of discharge and ultimately improve quality of life [12]. The development of the clinical pathways model requires addressing fundamental clinical and organisational aspects [13]:
- organising a reception/assessment function for demand and requests from psychiatric services;
- the centrality of the sending Mental Health Centre (CSM in Italian);
- the centrality of family;
- the involvement of the GP to be implemented from the earliest stages of the patient's contact with the structure;
- the definition and organisation of individualised therapeutic-rehabilitation paths;
- facilitating access procedures for all DSM operators;
- defining criteria for a maximum length of stay consistent with the level of rehabilitation intensity (18/24 months for rehabilitation facilities, 36 months for care facilities).
The result of the change process was to orientate the whole Structure to adopt principles, develop policies and implement actions, in order to help people with mental disabilities to remain in their life context, trying to achieve the best possible biopsychosocial functioning compatible with functional deficits, persistent psychopathology and relapses.
Study design
Longitudinal descriptive observational study by administering the HoNOS questionnaire after the reorganisation of the psychiatric residential facilities of the Department of Mental Health of the Ancona Vasta 2 Area.
Population and settings
The pilot study was conducted at SRP1 "Casa Rossa" Area Vasta 2 of Ancona and involved 13 patients admitted to SRP1 Casa Rossa - AN ASUR Marche.
Inclusion criteria
Residential and semi-residential patients.
Ethical consideration
After explaining the purpose, the study was authorised by the Director of the DSM.
The study protocol was developed in accordance with the guidelines of the Declaration of Helsinki. Participation in the study was voluntary: patients were provided with a consent form for data processing and an information and consent form for the study. Only after obtaining consent and ensuring that the patient understood the purpose of the study was the paper-based HONOS questionnaire administered.
Data were collected after obtaining informed consent from each patient. The confidentiality of the data collected was guaranteed by ensuring the anonymity of all participants and avoiding the use of any personal identifiers.
The surveys, carried out in a homogeneous way by the Coordinator of the Operating Unit with over thirty years of working experience (twenty years of experience in the mental health area) took place in a protected environment, with a standardised method: a room specifically dedicated to surveys and data collection, no outside involvement and respect for the patient’s privacy.
Survey instrument
The validated Italian version of the Health of the Nation Outcome Scales [14] was used. The HoNOS scale is a multidimensional outcome and severity assessment tool developed specifically for routine use in mental health services, suitable for the assessment of clinical and psychosocial problems [15,16]. It consists of 12 items that the therapist assesses according to the severity of the problems. Each item represents a clinical problem area and is rated on a 5-point Likert scale. Relevant items include:
1.Hyperactive, aggressive, destructive or agitated behaviour;
2.Deliberately self-harming behaviour;
3.Problems related to drug or alcohol use;
4.Cognitive problems;
5.Problems of somatic illness or physical disability;
6.Problems of somatic illness or physical disability;
7.Problems related to depressed mood;
8.Other mental and behavioural problems;
9.Relational problems;
10.Problems in activities of daily living;
11.Problems in living conditions;
12.Problems in the availability of resources for work or leisure activities.
Each of the twelve items in the questionnaire is given a score from 0 to 4, where:
- a score of 0 indicates that no problem has been found;
- a score of 1 indicates that the problem is present, but because of its reduced severity no intervention is needed;
- a score of 2 indicates that a problem of mild severity is present, for which intervention (rehabilitation, care or therapy) is required;
- score 3 indicates the presence of a problem of moderate severity;
- a score of 4 indicates that a serious or very serious problem is present.
Unknown information was given a score of 9. The twelve scores can be added together to obtain an estimate of total severity or evaluated individually.
Study procedures and data collection
The reconversion project of SRP1 "Casa Rossa" took place in accordance with the principle of gradualness and with the participation of all operators through weekly meetings specifically planned by the nursing coordinator. Subsequently, patients were assessed three times over a one-year period by administration of the HoNOS questionnaire, at recruitment (February 2019), at 6 months (August 2019) and at 12 months (February 2020). Patients excluded from care were not included in the study. After data collection, the 12 items of the HoNOS scale were grouped into four subscales:
1.behavioural problems (items 1-3),
2.deficits and disabilities (items 4-5),
3.psychopathological symptoms (items 6-8)
4.relational/environmental problems (items 9-12).
Statistical analyses
Data was expressed as mean and standard deviation (SD) or median and interquartile range (IQR) in the case of numerical variables, while in the case of qualitative variables, it was expressed as absolute numbers or percentages.
The normality of the data was checked with the Shapiro-Wilk test, where with a p-value > 0.05 there is evidence of normally distributed data.
The difference between the averages of the total score and the scores of the four subscales, at the three follow-up points, was statistically evaluated with an analysis of variance model for repeated measures, in the case of normally distributed residuals; in the case of non-normally distributed data, the non-parametric Friedman test was applied.
For the scales with statistically significant differences in scores, multiple comparisons were made retrospectively between the groups (baseline, 6 months, 12 months) maintaining the 5% significance level with Bonferroni correction. Statistical analyses were carried out using the software R-CRAN v.3.6.2 for Windows.
Table 1 shows the demographic and clinical characteristics of the cohort of patients examined in the study.
Table 1. Descriptive statistics for demographic and clinical variables.
The mean with the standard deviation and the median with the interquartile range of the total score and the scores of the items of the 4 sub-scales, at baseline and in the two surveys at follow-up, are shown in table 2 and figure 1.
Table 2. Mean, standard deviation, median and interquartile range of Total Scale and 4 Subscales scores at baseline, 6 months and 12 months.
Figure 1. Average total score and average score of the 4 sub-scales.
The residuals of the analysis of variance model are distributed in accordance with the Normal random variable for the subscales of "deficit and disability" and "psychopathological symptoms" (p-value>0.05); the scale HoNOS Total, that of behavioural problems and of relational/environmental problems do not present normally distributed residuals (table 3).
Table 3. P-value Shapiro-Wilk normality test
The statistical significance (p-value) of the differences between the averages of the total score and the scores of the four subscales at the three follow-up points are given in Table 4; the results show a statistically significant difference between the averages at the 95% confidence level.
Table 4. Statistical significance of ANOVA and Friedman's Test.
Table 5 shows the p-values of multiple retrospective comparisons between the groups (baseline, 6 months, 12 months) while maintaining the 5% significance level with the Bonferroni correction.
*P-value <0.05 Statistically significant difference
Table 5. P-value of pairwise retrospective comparisons of scores on the HoNOS Total scale and the 4 subscales at baseline, 6 months and 12 months.
The study performed predates the SARS-CoV2 pandemic and involved a cohort of 13 patients admitted to SRP1 Casa Rossa in Ancona. The mean age at recruitment and at disease onset was 46 and 19 years respectively, 69% of patients were male, 46% had a caregiver and 38.5% had undertaken other rehabilitation pathways. The results of the study show a reduction in the average HoNOS scale scores at 6 and 12 months compared to baseline in the four subscales considered. Considering the HoNOS scale in its entirety, there was a considerable decrease in the score from an overall mean of 2.1 at baseline to 1.3 at the end of the 12-month study period (Table 2). In all subscales considered, this decrease is statistically significant. The analysis of the data showed that the adjustment of the organisational set-up produces greater improvements especially in the initial phase (after 6 months) with a very significant decrease in average scores. After 6 months from the start of the study there is a stabilisation of the average HoNOS Total and subscale scores. Table 5 shows the p-values of the multiple comparisons between the groups; the scores of the groups compared were statistically significant with the exception of the scores taken at 6 and 12 months for the subscales of "behavioural problems", "deficits and disabilities" and "relational/environmental problems" and the scores taken at 6 months and at baseline for "psychopathological symptoms".
Similarly to a study by Buratti et al. [17], it is important to underline that, in the face of a clear prevalence of pharmacological treatments, the items that undergo a clear improvement are precisely those on which the drug has a direct effect (e.g. items concerning behavioural problems, deficits and disabilities and psychopathological symptoms), while the items concerning problems that would also require the use of other types of treatments (e.g. relational, environmental items) show a smaller decrease in average scores. Other data in the literature demonstrate the importance of using the HoNOS scale for assessing outcomes in patients with mental illness. A first longitudinal study in 3 times (14 months) was carried out in the Mental Health Services of the A.O. Ospedale Niguarda Ca' Granda in order to contribute to the validation of the Italian version of the HoNOS scale and to make operators aware of the importance of a standardised assessment of outcomes. With regard to the results on improvement (clinically significant criterion of 7 points), improved patients correspond to 45.3% of the sample after 14 months from the start of the study [16]. Two other longitudinal studies [18,19] in three stages and with a two-year follow-up, were implemented in a Mental Health Centre in Rome where the following were analysed: the relationship between the severity detected by HoNOS and the ICD-9-CM diagnosis; the convergence between the two instruments; the relationship between HoNOS severity and the types of interventions used by the Mental Health Centre (psychiatric interview, psychological interview, psychotherapy, pharmacotherapy, home visits, rehabilitation, insertion in residential facilities) in order to assess the distribution of resources and finally the improvement of patients in one year. The results found convergence between HoNOS and ICD-9, appropriate use of interventions in relation to the specificity and severity of the diagnosis, and an improvement in patients with a significant decrease in mean scores.
Further studies have involved the Mental Health Departments of the A.O. Ospedale Niguarda Ca' Granda as part of the introduction of a tool to formalize the Individual Treatment Plan (I.T.P.) in which the HoNOS scale is used for assessment and final evaluation of the chosen treatment [19,20]. In this research several aspects were evaluated: the type of intervention foreseen (counselling, intake, treatment), the treatments carried out (pharmacotherapy, psychotherapy, work placement, family involvement, etc.), the outcome of the intervention (re-evaluation at 6 months in case of intake and treatment), drop-out, costs, the role of the case manager and the impact on the work of the operators. The results showed a statistically and clinically significant improvement in severity scores even though there was a medical/nursing imbalance in the treatments provided. The number of psychological, social and rehabilitation treatments is still too low. In psychiatric services, the professional figure and services of psychiatrists predominate, to the detriment of the scarce presence of psychologists/psychotherapists, despite the fact that psychotherapy has been shown to bring about greater and more constant changes over time than the use of medication alone [19]. For this reason, one of the innovative elements in the study was to go beyond the medical-centric model in favour of interdisciplinary teamwork. In community psychiatry, all professionals must be united by a single aim: to provide patients with opportunities to use the skills learned in rehabilitation programmes in natural environments and to increase the quality of their lives. In order to ensure such integration, it is necessary to establish and implement an interdisciplinary and multidisciplinary team, whose operation is ensured by individual and collective tasks, well-defined performance standards, supervision and continuous on-the-job training [21]. It becomes a moral duty to assess whether in one's own reality, with one's own patients, colleagues, organisational difficulties and shortcomings, one can achieve the same results as in experimental effectiveness studies. It is possible, in everyday clinical practice, to routinely assess the outcome of hospitalisation using a scale such as the HoNOS, because not only is it simple and quick to fill in, but above all because it satisfactorily describes the changes induced by the period of hospitalisation.
In recent decades, mental health care has seen a shift from symptom management to the promotion of quality of life within psychiatric facilities: both patients and their relatives consider quality of life as one of the main goals of mental health care [22]. Rehabilitation facilities should be aimed at social integration; provide for a maximum length of stay of 24 months, with a 24-hour presence of health and psycho-socio-educational staff; provide for areas of involvement of patients and relatives [5]. The results of this pilot study show how an organisational reorganisation aimed at adopting principles, developing policies and implementing actions to help people with mental disabilities can improve the quality of hospitalisation and consequently the quality of life of patients with mental disorders. Achieving the best possible biopsychosocial functioning compatible with functional deficits, persistent psychopathology and relapses, involving the family and the general practitioner from the earliest stages of the patient's contact with the facility are fundamental aspects of a care pathway for patients with mental disorders. At the end of a residential treatment programme, there should be a continuation of rehabilitation and care treatment by the mental health centres (CSM) in the region, where there is support and home visits through a single and integrated socio-health pathway with re-evaluation over time of patients under treatment for mental disorders. The evaluative approach should not be seen by practitioners as an inquisitorial control, but as an opportunity geared towards improving care, the severity of patients and the outcome of their treatment. The use of HoNOS in Psychiatric Facilities should not be considered as a goal, but as a starting point for a journey towards a more adequate clinical practice for the management of patients with mental disorders, which favours the effectiveness of treatments and the self-reflection of professionals [16].
Despite the supervision of the nursing coordinator and the medical director of the facility, a potential information bias due to the detector effect (degree of subjective evaluation of information) is present and cannot be eliminated. The main limitation is the small sample size, which does not allow confounding factors such as diagnosis, age at onset, etc. to be taken into account in the statistical analysis. Although the results show a reduction in mean scores at 6 and 12 months compared to baseline, a longer observation period would be desirable to allow further evaluations of the effectiveness of the biopsychosocial intervention.
This research has not received any form of funding.
The authors declare that they received no funding for the following study and have no financial interest in the subject matter or the results obtained.
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The Effect of Spirotive Relaxation Techniques in Reducing the Level of Osteoarthritic Pain in the Elderly: Quasi Experiment Design
Abbasiah1*, Monalisa1, Yunike1, Mohd Syukri1, Dewi Masyitah1
- Department of Nursing, Health Polytechnic of Jambi, Indonesia.
* Corresponding author: Abbasiah, H. Department of Nursing, Health Polytechnic of Jambi, Indonesia; Agus Salim Street, Kota baru Jambi, 36129 Indonesia. Orcid: Email:
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Introduction: Pain is a common issue in the elderly. Osteoarthritis is often encountered in the elderly and contributes significantly to pain. Pain complaints involve multifactorial and often face many hindrances in the management.
Objective: This study aims to determine the effect of spirotive relaxation techniques in reducing osteoarthritis pain scale in the elderly.
Methods: This quasi-experimental study used the Pre-Post Test Control Group Design, conducted in the Penyengat Olak and Sungai Duren Community Health Center, Jambi Province, Indonesia, from September to November 2021. Sixty-four elderly participants in this study were divided into Spirotive relaxation exercise and dhikr as the intervention group and the control group given Spirotive relaxation exercise only. Data analysis used t-test and independent t-test at a significant level of 95%.
Results: There are differences in pain levels of the intervention group before and after Spirotive relaxation exercise and dhikr. Before the intervention, pain levels were moderate to severe, and pain levels were mild to moderate after the intervention. Similar results were also obtained in the control group given Spirotive relaxation exercise only with a significant reduction in pain. The independent test results showed a p-value = 0.207, indicating no difference in osteoarthritis pain in the intervention and control groups.
Conclusion: Spiritual relaxation exercises have been shown to reduce pain levels in the elderly with osteoarthritis. There are also differences in the level of joint pain scale in the intervention and control groups. It suggests that public health centers provide non-pharmacological inspirational interventions as an additional therapy for the elderly.
Keyword: Osteoarthritic, Pain, Spirotive, Elderly
Various health problems will arise along the ageing process and rising age. It is mainly a physical inconveniences problem, such as ailments of musculoskeletal function [1]. Pain in the joints frequently becomes an obstacle for the elderly to carry out daily activities [2,3]. Osteoarthritis is the most common joint disease, which increases in age. The ageing process exerts a shrinking effect on human muscle fibres. Muscle strength will undoubtedly decrease due to the shrinkage of muscle mass impacting the weakness in activity or movement, thereby reducing the quality of life. In addition, it also affects bone mass diminishes. The elderly with regular exercise do not encounter the same loss as the sedentary elderly [4].
Approximately 20% of the world's population obtains joint pain at 55 years old. The current increase in the elderly population goes hand in hand with an increase in the number of cases of joint pain [5,6]. Accordingly, the prevalence of joint disease in Indonesia is 7.3%, of which 45.58% arises in the 56-65 age group, 82.54% is discovered in the female group, and 53.26% complains of knee pain [7].
Knee Osteoarthritis (OA) is a common progressive multifactorial joint disease characterized by chronic pain and functional disability [4]. Knee OA accounts for almost four-fifths of the burden of OA worldwide and increases with obesity and age [6]. Knee arthroplasty is considered an effective treatment at an advanced stage of the disease. However, which is responsible for substantial health costs [5]. Many researchers have shifted their focus to the prevention and treatment in the early stage of the disease [2]. Accordingly, it is essential to understand the prevalence, incidence, and modifiable risk factors of knee OA to provide efficacious preventive strategies [3,8].
Non-pharmacological management of osteoarthritis pain in the elderly include Spirotive Relaxation Exercise (SRE) and dhikr [9]. Spirotive relaxation is a combination and modification of progressive muscle relaxation and spiritual relaxation (dhikr) interventions. Relaxation begins with dhikr, then relaxes muscle tension. Those activities are expected to obtain His grace in the form of peace, tranquillity, happiness, health and physical fitness. [10].
Spiritual Relaxation (Dhikr) involves praising, remembering, and submitting supplications to God in resignation [11]. Medically, it has been proven that dhikr will automatically stimulate the secretion of endorphins to feel happiness and comfort [12]. Yusuf et al. [11] found changes in psychological well-being in the treatment group before and after the dhikr intervention.
The Spirotive Relaxation Exercise (SRE) is based on the Comfort theory of Kolcaba [13]. Comfort is the main goal in nursing because it is closely related to healing [14–16]. According to Yusuf, et al [11] Spiritual Relaxation intervention can provide comfort by doing SRE and spiritual relaxation (dhikr). Sound waves during dhikr will stimulate auditory receptors. Furthermore, the stimulus will be forwarded to the temporal lobe to catch the point of God (circuit of God). The prefrontal cortex will respond to stimuli at the point of God for the process of forming positive perceptions, both emotionally and spiritually. The amygdala will respond to the prefrontal cortex to the hippocampus as feedback. In addition, the amygdala also stimulates the hypothalamus through the hypothalamic-pituitary-adrenal (HPA) axis to secrete corticotrophin-releasing factor (CRF).
SRE induces muscle contraction of the skeletal fibers, leading to muscle tension [17,18]. In this case, the central nervous system (CNS) involves the sympathetic nervous system and the parasympathetic nervous system [19]. Several organs are affected by these two nervous systems [20]. Sympathetic and parasympathetic nerves work reciprocally. Activation of the parasympathetic nervous system, also called Trophotropic, provides a desire to rest and physical improvement of the body [20,21]. The feeling of comfort and relaxation may reduce even eliminate pain [18,22–24].
Gonçalves, et al [25] stated that dhikr could reduce joint pain in the elderly with knee osteoarthritis. Another study stated that being more active may reduce pain and the risk of functional impairment or disability [26].
Joint pain is a subjective experience that impacts the quality of life and impaired functional activities of the elderly. Therefore, adequate treatment is needed. Non-pharmacological intervention SRE has the potential to reduce the intensity of osteoarthritis pain. To the best of our knowledge, this has never been studied. Therefore, this study aims to determine the effectiveness of Spirotive Relaxation Exercises to reduce osteoarthritis pain in the elderly.
Research design
The research design used in this study was Experimental with a Quasi Experiment Design in Pre-Post Test Control Group approach. This study revealed a causal relationship by involving the control group and the experimental group.
Research Time and Place
The study was conducted in the working area of the Penyengat Olak and Sungai Duren Community Health Center, Jambi Province, Indonesia, from September to November 2021.
The participants in this study were all the elderly in the Penyengat Olak Health Center (n=32 people) and the elderly at the Sungai Duren Health Center (n=32 people).
SRE is administered independently for 45 minutes twice a week for four weeks. SRE measurement used SOP, While the pain level was measured using the WOMAC Questionnaire. In this index, 24 parameters consisting of pain, stiffness, physical and social function were evaluated using WOMAC. The higher value obtained indicates the magnitude of the patient's functional limitations. The higher the value obtained indicates the magnitude of the patient's functional limitations.
In comparison, the lower value indicates improved functional ability. WOMAC parameters include (1) the presence of pain, which aspects are assessed when walking, climbing stairs, doing activities at night, at rest and when supporting (2) the presence of stiffness in the morning and stiffness throughout the day (3) the state of physical function Patients have difficulty going downstairs, difficulty going upstairs, difficulty from sitting to standing, difficulty standing, difficulty sitting on the floor, difficulty walking on a flat surface, difficulty getting in and out of a vehicle, difficulty shopping, difficulty wearing socks, difficulty lying in bed, difficulty taking off socks, difficulty sitting, difficulty doing heavy tasks and difficulty doing light tasks. WOMAC produces an algorithmic value obtained from a questionnaire to measure pain and disability in patients' knees. In the questionnaire, the answers were given a 0 - 4. Each score represents the patient's perceived state. Details of the WOMAC questionnaire can be seen in the table. Furthermore, the scores of the 24 questions are added up divided by 96 and multiplied by 100% to find out the total score and categorized as Mild (0-40%), moderate (40%-70%), and severe (70%-100%). The greater the score, the more severe the pain and disability of the knee [27,28].
The Assessment of pain is based on stiffness and physical function with mild, moderate, and severe categories. The intervention group was given SRE and reciting dhikr, while the control group only received SRE.
The output of this study was to determine the level of pain and the differences in pain levels before and after giving spirotive relaxation exercises.
Sample size
The sample in the current study was 64 participants divided into two groups, 32 participants as group intervention and 32 participants as group control. The minimum sample size was determined using the GPower software version, where the effect size d = 0.63, alpha = 0.05, at power 0.80 with a sample ratio of 1:1. The sample size for group 1 was 32 and group 2 was 32 for a total of 64. The sample was randomly selected. The sample size in the study initially involved 124 potential participants, whereas 60 people did not meet the criteria. The inclusion criteria for the sample were 45-80 years old, a minimum education level of Elementary School (SD), and no cognitive impairment (MMSE score >23). At the same time, the elderly with limited range of motion and bed rest were excluded.
Participants were selected from the total population using a simple random technique. Sample selection includes determining prospective participants, selecting participants, and reporting participants to researchers. Enumerators received a briefing on applying the sample selection mechanism for the provision of SRE and dhikr.
The included samples were selected blindly. The enumerator who had been assigned by the researcher did not previously know the potential participants.
Ethical Consideration
No economic incentives were offered or provided for participation in this study. The study was performed under the ethical considerations of the Helsinki Declaration by the Health Research Ethics Commission of the Ministry of Health, Jambi, and registration number: LB.02.06/2/59/2021.
Statistical analysis
Description of participant characteristics (age, gender, education level, and occupation) and osteoarthritis pain before and after the intervention is based on univariate analysis results. Data are presented as numbers and percentages for categorical variables. Continuous data were expressed as mean ± standard deviation (SD) or median with Interquartile Range (IQR). The normality test used the Kolmogorov-Smirnov test with Lilliefors significance correction.
In bivariate analysis, a t-test was used to assess the effect of spiritual healing and dhikr in the intervention and control groups. In contrast, an independent t-test was used to determine differences in osteoarthritis pain intensity between the two study groups. All tests with p-value (p)<0.05 were considered significant. Statistical analysis was performed using SPSS version 16.0.
The characteristics of respondents are presented in table 1 below :
Table 1. Characteristics of Respondents
Characteristics of respondents from the two groups are based on gender, primarily female, 62.5% from the intervention group, and 68.7% from the control group. The characteristics of respondents based on age were mainly in the elderly group (60-74) years, 56.3% in the intervention group, and 53.1% in the control group. Based on education level, most respondents were junior high school, as much as 53% in the intervention group and 50% in the control group. Characteristics of respondents based on the type of work show that most respondents did not work, as much as 87.5% in the intervention group and 90.7% in the control group.
The description of osteoarthritis pain in the intervention group before and after the intervention presented in table 2 below:
Table 2. Description of pain scale before and after spirotive intervention in the intervention group
Table 2 shows that the scale of osteoarthritis pain before the SRE was mild pain (6.3%), moderate pain (46.9%), and severe pain (46.9%). The osteoarthritis pain scale felt by respondents after the SRE was mild pain (37.5%), moderate pain (56.3%), and severe pain (6.3%).
The description of osteoarthritis pain in the control group before and after the intervention presented in table 3 below:
Table 3. Description of pain scale before and after spirotive intervention in the control group
Table 3 shows that the scale of osteoarthritis pain before SRE was 15.6% in mild pain, 65.6% in moderate pain, and 18.8% in severe pain. After the intervention, it was found that participants felt mild pain (59.4%), moderate pain (37.5%), and severe pain (3.1%).
Furthermore, the data normality test was carried out using the Kolmogorov-Smirnov test to determine the distribution of research data. The results of the data normality test are presented in table 4 below:
Table 4. Data Normality Test
Table 4 shows that the p-value of the intervention group > 0.05, as well as the p-value of the control group > 0.05, so it can be concluded that the data is normally distributed.
The condition of painful scale before and after the intervention in Group 1 and Group 2 can be seen in the table 5 below:
Table 5. Frequency distribution of Group Intervention and Group Control before and after interventions
Table 5 shows a significant decrease in pain level in both groups before and after the intervention with a p-value <0.05. Based on the t independent test, it was found that the p-value for the pre-test (<0.005) and the post-test was 0.207. The post-test value showed no difference between the two research groups.
The t-test result of pre-post intervention revealed a decrease in pain. In both the intervention and control groups, the p-value was <0.05. The independent t-test showed differences in the two groups before the intervention with a p-value <0.05, but after the intervention (post-test), the p-value was >0.05. It indicates that SRE and dhikr therapy may reduce knee OA pain in the elderly.
Older people with osteoarthritis often run into joint pain [29,30]. These complaints are often found in geriatric care in the community and clinic. This study provides an SRE intervention with a combination of spiritual techniques: dhikr (spirotive) to reduce joint pain in the elderly with osteoarthritis [24]. Joint disease is a degenerative process and causes pain in the elderly [31]. Pain itself can be caused by several conditions, including rheumatoid arthritis, gout (uric acid), and osteoarthritis [32]. SRE is a technique for reducing muscle tension by a simple and systematic process of stretching a group of muscles and then relaxing back [33].
SRE focuses on maintaining a deep form of relaxation, applying contraction and relaxation of various muscle groups from the feet up or from the head down. This method will realise where the muscles are located and increase awareness of the body's muscle response [34,35]. SRE may reduce pain, anxiety, depression, improve sleep quality, and reduce fatigue [36].
Religious relaxation (dhikr) is a technique that includes a belief factor. In this study, we used the element of Islamic belief with the repeated praise of God's name submissively [11]. Religious relaxation: dhikr is one of the efforts to meet the psychological needs of the elderly through the fulfillment of spiritual needs. It is also a practice of prayer to God by continuously remembering God name submissively. The essence of dhikr is praying for forgiveness, praising and glorifying God, being grateful, takbir to humble before God. Finally, eliminate ourselves and our ego against God's ego in all the activities we do [37].
Dhikr relaxes the body and produces impulses sent through afferent nerve fibers. Physiologically, spiritual therapy by dhikr or remembering God's name causes the brain to work. When the brain gets external stimulation, it will produce neuropeptides chemicals to provide comfort. The substances will be involved and absorbed in the body, providing feedback in comfort. Psychologically dhikr will balance serotonin and norepinephrine levels in the body. This phenomenon is natural morphine that works in the brain and will cause the heart and mind to feel calm compared to before dhikr [37].
The results of this study must be interpreted cautious because the limitations of this study are: the patient was not directly supervised by the researcher in doing dhikr. It is difficult to determine the quality of dhikr performed by a person, and there are no clear parameters to determine it. Supposedly, the acceptable quality of dhikr will give a calming effect. It could result in no difference in pain levels between the two groups after the intervention. In future studies, supervision should be conducted strictly when the intervention ensues. The strength of this study lies in its RCT design, using an intervention that has never been done before in patients with osteoarthritis pain.
SRE has been proven to reduce joint pain scale in the elderly with osteoarthritis, and there are also differences in joint pain scale levels in the intervention and control groups.
It is suggested that the community health centers may use SRE as an additional therapy for the elderly. Increasing the capacity of elderly health assistance needs to be carried out by the community health centers to increase the knowledge and behavior of the elderly in overcoming problems related to their degenerative conditions.
The limitations
The limitations of this study include a small sample and only involving respondents in one country, namely Indonesia, so it cannot compare the intervention responses in each different ethnic group.
We would like to express our gratitude to the director of the Midwifery Department of Jambi health polytechnic who has supported this research.
Funding statement
This research did not receive any specific grant from funding agencies in the public, commercial, or not for profit sectors.
Competing interests statement
There are no competing interests for this study.
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COVID-19 Vaccines Side Effects Among Iraqi people In Kurdistan Region: A cross-sectional study
Rebar Yahya Abdullah1*, Arazoo Issa Tahir2, Dlkhosh Shamal Ramadhan3, Zuhair Rushdi Mustafa4, Kawther Mohammed Galary5
1 MSc. (Maternity and Community Health Nursing Department, College of Nursing, University of Duhok,Kurdistan,Iraq).
2 MSc (Nursing Department, Bardarash Technical Institute, Duhok Polytechnic University, Kurdistan,Iraq).
3 MSc (Maternity and Community health nursing Department, College of Nursing, University of Duhok, Kurdistan, Iraq)
4PhD (Adult Nursing Department, College of Nursing, University of Duhok, Kurdistan, Iraq).
5 MSc (Maternity and Community Health Nursing Department, College of Nursing, University of Duhok, Kurdistan, Iraq).
*Corresponding Author: Rebar Yahya Abdullah, Maternity and Community Health Nursing Department, College of Nursing, University of Duhok, Kurdistan, Iraq.
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Background: Communities around the world have expressed concern about the safety and side effects of SARS-CoV-2 vaccines. The adverse effects of the Covid-19 vaccines played a critical role in public trust in the vaccines. The current study aimed to provide evidence on the side effects of the BNT163b2 mRNA COVID-19 vaccine (Pfizer-BioNTech®); ChAdOx1 nCoV-19 vaccine (AstraZeneca®); BBIBP-CorVvaccine (Sinopharm®) COVID-19 vaccines.
Material and Methods: A cross-sectional study design was performed from April 26th, 2021, to June 3rd, 2021. Convenience sampling was used to select respondents; face validity was performed to the mandatory multiple-choice items questionnaire to cover the respondent’s demographic characteristics, coronavirus-19 related anamneses, and the side effect duration of coronavirus-19 vaccines, the data were analyzed by using descriptive statistics.
Results: The 588 participants enrolled in the current study. ChAdOx1 nCoV-19 vaccine received 49.7%, followed by BNT163b2 mRNA COVID-19 vaccine and BBIBP-CorV (39.5% and 10.9%). The most common complaint was headache (61.2%), followed by vaccine injection site discomfort (58.8%), fatigue (49.7%), fever (48.3%), muscle discomfort (42.9%), and approximately (10.5% and 10.2%) had injection site swelling and nausea, respectively. Most of those surveyed had post-vaccine symptoms for one to two days (25.2%), (41%), and only a small percentage (3.7%) experienced them for over one month. ChAdOx1 nCoV-19 vaccine handled 53% of the side effects, followed by BNT163b2 mRNA COVID-19 vaccine (42%) and BBIBP-CorV vaccines (5%).
Conclusion: Prevalence of various local and systemic vaccines side effects, such as headache, fever, and pain at the injection site, was observed. Almost all participants had mild symptoms and were well-tolerated .AstraZeneca® vaccine has the most side effects, followed by the Pfizer® vaccine, and the Sinopharm® vaccine has the least. More independent studies on vaccination safety and public awareness are critical to improving public trust in vaccines.
Keywords: COVID-19; Vaccines; Side effects; Prevalence; Cross-sectional design.
Millions of people around the world were infected by the Coronavirus Disease-2019 (COVID-19) within three months, until World Health Organization declared it as a pandemic on March 11, 2020 [1]. Severe acute respiratory syndrome coronavirus 2 (SARS-CoV-2) is a coronavirus that belongs to the Coronaviridae family's Sarbecovirus subgenus, and a non-segmented positive-sense Ribonucleic acid (RNA) virus encompasses it [2]. Older individuals are at an increased risk of being infected with the SARS-CoV-2 [3]. Most vaccine options target the spike (S) protein. It is the principal target of neutralizing antibodies. It helps to neutralize antibodies to prevent the Angiotensin Converting Enzyme-2 (ACE2) receptor binding motif (RBM) from engaging with the host cell [4, 5]. The vaccine development for COVID-19 prevention has grown into a struggle between viruses and humans, which has made it more complicated, along with the discovery of other related strains. Many platforms are attempting to grow, with Deoxyribonucleic acid (DNA) and RNA-based platform showing the most promise [6]. Several countries have entered the vaccine development battle, hastening the clinical trial phase and attempting to produce an efficient and safe vaccine against COVID-19 [7]. The COVID-19 vaccines have been studied in large, randomized-controlled studies with people of all ages, genders, nationalities, and individuals with known medical disorders. Across all demographics, the vaccines have shown a high level of effectiveness and are safe and efficacious in patients with various underlying diseases [8]. According to a recent national study [9], the side effects of the COVID-19 vaccine were the most common reason for vaccine hesitancy among the population in the United Kingdom (U.K.). This finding was confirmed in the context of COVID-19 vaccinations, as fear of side effects has been cited as the primary reason for healthcare workers and students in Poland refusing to accept the Covid-19 vaccine [10, 11]. Vaccines are not completely free of side effects or complications [26], headache, nausea, pain, redness, and swelling are early adverse effects of vaccines that must be expected when taking vaccines [27]. Furthermore, conditions like blood clotting were suggested to be caused by the administration of COVID-19 vaccines from Pfizer, Moderna, and AstraZeneca. [28,29].The present study aimed to determine the prevalence of side effects of the COVID-19 vaccine among vaccinated people in the Kurdistan Region, Iraq.
Study design
The study was conducted using a cross-sectional design from April 26th to June 3rd, 2021, in the Kurdistan region, Iraq.
Samples and sampling
An Internet-based study in the Kurdistan region of Iraq recruited to enroll a sample size of 588 people from people who had been vaccinated with one of the following vaccines: BBIBP-CorV, ChAdOx1 nCoV-19 vaccine, and BNT163b2 mRNA COVID-19 vaccines. However, illiterate and old age individuals were interviewed directly by authors to increase the sample representation. The individuals were invited by using invitation links in Viber™, Facebook™, and WhatsApp™ groups by using a non-random convenience sampling method. A Google™ form document was utilized to host and deliver the questions to responders. The inclusion criteria were participants who received one of the three mentioned COVID-19 vaccines and either received the first or second dose of the vaccine.
Instruments of the study
The self-administered questionnaire of the present study, composed of nine mandatory multiple-choice items, has been adapted from previous studies and World Health Organization data [12, 13]. The questionnaire was divided into four parts: the first part included demographic data, including gender, age, and profession; the second part dealt with COVID-19 history, including COVID-19 previous infection, type and dose of COVID-9 vaccines, and medical history like having any chronic disease; the third part included the side effects and side effect duration of COVID-19 vaccines.
Statistical analysis
The descriptive statistics were performed to determine the study variables; age, gender, occupation, and the data that related to the COVID-19 vaccine. The current study used SPSS version 23 for the descriptive statistics.
588 participants in the study. Nearly two-thirds of participants were males (64.3%); their mean age was 41.5 years and ranged between 18 and 65 years. Most of the participants were healthcare workers (31.3%), government employees (25.2%), jobless (19), students (18), and self-employed (6.5%), as shown in Table 1.
Table 1. Demographic Characteristics of study participants
According to some questions stated in Table 2, nearly half (46.3%) of the participants did not infect before taking the vaccine. About (40.8%) reported that they were infected with COVID-19 previously. Compared with a tiny percentage (12.9%) having the vaccine without knowing whether they were infected with the COVID-19 virus or not.
Table 2. COVID-19 vaccines related anamnesis
Regarding chronic diseases among the participants who had the COVID-19 vaccine, over three-quarters (77.9%) had no chronic diseases. The most common types of vaccines received by the participants were ChAdOx1 nCoV-19 vaccine (49.7%), followed by BNT163b2 mRNA COVID-19 vaccine and BBIBP-CorV (39.5% and 10.9%). Regarding the number of vaccine doses gained, over three-quarters (79.3%) of participants had a single dose of vaccine at the time of the study.
Regarding the response of the participants toward COVID-19 side effects, they reported having at least one side effect after the COVID-19 vaccine job. The most common side effects among the study population (61.2%) were headaches, followed by vaccine injection site pain (58.8%), fatigue (49.7%), fever (48.3%), muscle pain (42.9%), and nearly the same percentage (10.5% and 10.2%) complained of injection site swelling and nausea, respectively. Rarely (0.3% and 0.7%) reported mouth ulcers and tonsillitis, side effects of the vaccine, as noted in Table 3.
Table 3. Prevalence of COVID-19 vaccine side effects among study participants
Table 4 shows that, for the duration of the occurrence of side effects, the vast majority (41.5%) of the participants had post-vaccination side effects for about two days, while 25.2% had them for one day, and 10.9% of the individuals complained about side effects for three days. 3.7% of them had a longer duration of side effects for over one month.
Table 4. The duration of side effects of COVID-19 vaccines
Regarding side effect prevalence with different age groups, symptoms were more common among the younger age groups ranging from 18 to 57 years old. Symptoms were much less severe in older age groups (58–64), with no noticeable side effects observed in participants older than 60 years old. Headache was more common in the age group 34-41 years old (14.2%); injection site pain was more common in the age group 26-33 years old (16.6%); fatigue was more common in the age group 34-41 years old (13.2%) as in Table 5.
Concerning the occurrence of side effects among BNT163b2 mRNA COVID-19 vaccine, ChAdOx1 nCoV-19 vaccine, and BBIBP-CorV vaccines, the vast majority (53%) of the side effects were because of ChAdOx1 nCoV-19 vaccine, followed by BNT163b2 mRNA COVID-19 vaccine (42%), BBIBP-CorV vaccines (5%) were safer than BNT163b2 mRNA COVID-19 vaccine and ChAdOx1 nCoV-19 vaccine vaccines in that almost all side effects occurred among vaccinated individuals.
Table 5. Prevalence of the side effects of COVID-19 vaccines among age groups
Some side effects such as nausea, epigastric pain, chills, injection site swelling, backaches, tonsillitis, and mouth ulcers have not occurred at all. Only a few participants (43.7%, 28.1%, 21.9%, and 18.7%, respectively) experienced injection site pain, fatigue, headache, and fever after receiving the BBIBP-CorV vaccine.
Most of the symptoms were observable in those who received the ChAdOx1 nCoV-19 vaccine and BNT163b2 mRNA COVID-19 vaccine vaccines, although symptoms were more common in individuals vaccinated with ChAdOx1 nCoV-19 vaccine. Common side effects between BNT163b2 mRNA COVID-19 vaccine and ChAdOx1 nCoV-19 vaccine were headache (69 % versus 63.7 %), injection site pain (56.8 % versus 63.6 %), fever (42.2 % versus 59.5 %), fatigue (56.8 % versus 48.6%), and muscle pain (44.8 versus 47.9 %) as shown in Table 6.
Table 6. Occurrence of side effects between vaccines
During the pandemic of COVID-19, the World Health Organization recommended that all nations strive to maintain population immunization. Although legislation and policies in this region are different, they still emphasize people at risk of coronavirus disease, such as healthcare workers, the elderly, and patients with chronic conditions [14]. Thus, the results of the current study showed that most of the participants (31.3%) were healthcare workers (males 64.3%), and most of them (46.3%) did not affect COVID-19. A similar study was conducted in India, which stated that, according to government regulations, the vaccine was initially administered to healthcare personnel in both government and private hospitals throughout India [15]. Correspondingly, in the US, priority is given mainly to all healthcare workers, then individuals who have an underlying condition, and after that to all essential service workers and older adults [16].
Because of the speed of COVID-19 vaccine manufacturing, concerns among the public have emerged about the safety of these new vaccines. No serious safety problems were reported [17]. Overall, COVID-19 vaccines are safe and will protect the community from developing severe COVID-19 disease and dying from COVID-19. BNT163b2 mRNA COVID-19 vaccine is an mRNA-based vaccine, ChAdOx1 nCoV-19 vaccine is an Adenovirus vaccine, and BBIBP-CorV is a vaccine [18]. According to the research, COVID-19 vaccination adverse effects are characterized as either local or systemic reactions, with severity ranging from mild to moderate [19]. The mRNA-based vaccines such as BNT163b2 mRNA COVID-19 vaccine have the highest level of side effects reported, except for diarrhea and arthralgia [20]. Since some of the vaccinated individuals in the current study received the mRNA-based vaccines, they were not free from side effects. No serious events associated with the COVID-19 vaccines, such as vaccine-induced immune thrombotic thrombocytopenia reported. However, most of the side effects were common and non-life-threatening. The side effects were systematic and local. The systemic reactions were headache (61.2%), fatigue (49.7%), fever (48.3%), muscle pain (42.9%), joint pain (26.2%), backache (18.4%), chills (16.7%), nausea (10.2%), epigastric pain (7.1%), and rash (1.7%), whereas the local reactions were injection site pain and injection site swelling (50.8%) and (10.5%), respectively. The rarest side effects were tonsillitis (0.7%) and mouth ulcers (0.3%). These findings are in line with those reported in the literature and reported by the Food and Drug Administration (FDA), which are: injection site pain, fatigue, headache, fever, chills, muscle pain, and joint pain are common side effects of COVID-19 vaccines [21, 15]. Similar findings were observed in the Czech Republic where the most common side effects among vaccinated individuals were injection site pain, fatigue, headache, muscle pain, and feeling unwell [12]. Also, a retrospective cross-sectional study was conducted among Saudi residents to study the side effects of the BNT163b2 mRNA COVID-19 vaccine. The study found that the most common symptoms were injection site pain, fever, headaches, flu-like symptoms, and tiredness. Less common side effects were tachycardia, generalized body aches, shortness of breath, joint pain, chills, and drowsiness. Rare side effects were tenderness, lymph node swelling, and Bell’s palsy [22]. In contrast to our study, in a systematic review study, the most common side effects were arthralgia (20). Mild to moderate side effects are experienced by vaccinated individuals. They are signs that the immune system of the body is responding to the vaccine and building protection against the COVID-19 virus (23/24). Also, in the present study, we found that the duration of post-vaccination side effects varied among participants. The majority (41.5%) were complaining about the side effects for two days, whereas 25.2% had side effects for one day, and 10% for three days. Only 3.7% had long-duration side effects for over one month. These findings follow the current studies which state that most of the side effects occur within the next 3 days after vaccination [15]. Also, similar findings were reported by Riad et al., [12]. They found that the duration of general side effects following the vaccine was mainly one day (45.1%) or three days (35.8%), and only 1.4% of them had lasted over a month.
Also, it is important to highlight that the prevalence of side effects was higher among younger individuals (> 49 years old) and almost no noticeable side effects occurred among older participants (60 years old). These findings are consistent with those published by the FDA, which found that injection site pain, weariness, headache, and muscle soreness were more common in the 55-year-old group than in the > 55-year-old group [21, 15]. Also, the same findings reported among the Czech Republic and Saudi residents, respectively [12], reported that younger adults 43 years old were more frequently affected by side effects, and [22] concluded that the frequency of side effects was higher in individuals younger than 60 years of age, except for injection site pain, which was more frequent among those 60 years old.
Concerning the comparison of the occurrence of side effects between BNT163b2 mRNA COVID-19 vaccine, ChAdOx1 nCoV-19 vaccine, and BBIBP-CorV vaccines, the findings of the present study revealed that there were substantial variations between these vaccines in the presence of side effects. The majority (53%) of side effects were because of ChAdOx1 nCoV-19 vaccine, followed by BNT163b2 mRNA COVID-19 vaccine (42%) except for headache, nausea, epigastric pain, fatigue, and tonsillitis which were more sever in BNT163b2 mRNA COVID-19 vaccine than ChAdOx1 nCoV-19 vaccine. The current study found BBIBP-CorV vaccine was safer than BNT163b2 mRNA COVID-19 vaccine and ChAdOx1 nCoV-19 vaccine vaccines in all side effects that occurred among vaccinated individuals. This finding is supported by a systematic review and meta-analysis of randomized control trials (RCTs), which revealed that those who received mRNA-based vaccines had higher rates of side effects in reactogenicity [20]. The same findings were documented in Jordan. 2213 individuals received BBIBP-CorV, ChAdOx1 nCoV-19 vaccine, BNT163b2 mRNA COVID-19 vaccine, and other vaccines. They found that those who received the ChAdOx1 nCoV-19 vaccine reported the most abundant post-vaccination symptoms, while most of those who received the BBIBP-CorV vaccine were free from symptoms [23]. Another study was conducted to assess the symptoms following the COVID-19 vaccine among residents in India. 5396 people responded to the survey. The findings revealed that the frequency of experiencing symptoms following the BBIBP-CorV vaccine was less (24.4%) compared to BNT163b2 mRNA COVID-19 vaccine 70.7% [25]. As seen, the BBIBP-CorV vaccine has few side effects compared to other vaccines.
The most common side effect of the BNT163b2 mRNA COVID-19 vaccine, ChAdOx1 nCoV-19 vaccine, and BBIBP-CorV among the vaccinated population of the current study was headaches, injection site pain, injecting site swelling, fatigue, fever, muscle pain, joint pain, backache, chills, nausea, epigastric pain, and rash. These side effects were consistent with the data reported in the literature. Most of these side effects were mild, and no serious incidents were documented. Symptoms were more common in younger people. Although data reported in the literature showed that mRNA-based vaccines such as BNT163b2 mRNA COVID-19 vaccine had higher side effects, However, the current study found that the ChAdOx1 nCoV-19 vaccine, which is an adenovirus-based vaccine, had more side effects than other vaccines, and the BBIBP-CorV vaccine had the lowest side effects compared to the ChAdOx1 nCoV-19 vaccine and BNT163b2 mRNA COVID-19 vaccine vaccines.
The limitation of the current study is that it was difficult to measure the severity of the side effects because the study is a survey-based technique. Thus some side effects needed to be measured by using instruments or tools, for instance, measuring body temperature by the thermometer to know the severity of fever, and using a pain scale to measure headache, joint pain, and muscle pain. Also it is prone to selective bias as it is internet based study, not everyone has equal chance to be included in the study. Further studies needs to be done with more representative samples concerning COVID-19 intention.
Conflict of interest
The authors have no conflict of interest to declare.
The current study was not funded by any financial resources.
The present study was carried out in accordance with the Helsinki Declaration”. Study approval was obtained by written authorization of the Ethics Committee of the College of Nursing at Duhok University. The approval is without a serial number and verbal informed consent has been obtained from each participant before participation in the current study.
We would like to extend our appreciation to all respondents who took part in this online survey. We highly appreciated their time and effort.
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The questionnaire
(COVID-19 Vaccines Side Effects Among Iraqi people In Kurdistan Region)
Dears the aim of this survey is to determine the (Prevalence of Covid-19 Vaccines side effects). We are grateful for filling in this survey from you and your family who got vaccinated. I would like to assure you that your answers will remain confidential and your personal details are not required. Also, your answers will be on online systems only.
- Age
65 and more
- Gender
- Occupation
Health care workers
Employee Government
Own Job
- Do you have any chronic disease?
- Did you infected with Covid-19 before?
I don't know
- Which Covid-19 Vaccine you took it?
- How many Doses you got it?
1 dose
2 doses
- Select the vaccine side effects that occurred with you
Vaccine injection site pain
Epigastric pain
Joint pain
Muscles pain
Injection site swelling
Mouth Ulcers
No one
- Duration of side effects of Covid-19 Vaccines
1 day
2 days
3 days
4 days
5 days
6 days
1 week
More than 1 week
More than 1 month
No duration
This work is licensed under a Creative Commons
Attribution-NonCommercial-NoDerivatives 4.0 International License.
Analysis of Determinants of Factors Related to the Performance of Non-Communicable Diseases Development Post Cadres in Kendari City: Cross Sectional Study
Saida, Rahmawati*, Wa Ode Syahrani Hajri
Department of Nursing, Medical of Faculty, Halu Oleo of University, Kendari, Indonesia
* Corresponding author: Rahmawati, Kampus Hijau Bumi Tridharma, Anduonohu, Kec. Kambu, Kota Kendari, Sulawesi Tenggara 93232, Indonesia, Orcid : Email:
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Introduction: Non-communicable diseases (NCDs) are diseases that are not caused by bacterial infection and are the main cause of death in the world. The increase in NCDs cases also occurred in Southeast Sulawesi Province (Indonesia), including Kendari City. The purpose of this study was to analyze the determinants of proxies related to the performance of Integrated Non-Communicable Diseases Development Post (INCDDP) cadres in Kendari City, Indonesia.
Materials and Methods: A cross-sectional study carried out in Kendari City, Southeast Sulawesi Province (Indonesia), with a population of all INCDDP cadres in the working area of PHC Abeli, Lepo-Lepo, and Perumnas. The sample consisted of 56 responders. Data were analyzed univariate and bivariate statistics, using the chi-square test. Multivariate using logistic regression.
Results: The results of the research on the performance of INCDDP cadres were awards (p = 0.079), cadre training history (p = 0.031), infrastructure (p = 1.0) and knowledge (p = 0.007). The factor most related to the performance of INCDDP cadres was cadre knowledge (p = 0.019) with the coefficient of determination (R2) = 27.4%.
Conclusion: Cadre performance is related to awards, cadre training history, infrastructure and cadre knowledge. The most related factor to INCDDP cadre performance is cadre knowledge.
Keywords: Health-Cadres, Non-Commnicable Diseases, Performance, Health Services
Non-communicable diseases (NCDs) have become an enormous public health problem, especially in Indonesia [1]. It is marked by a shift in disease patterns which is often referred to as an epidemiological transition characterized by increased mortality and morbidity due to NCDs such as stroke, heart disease and diabetes mellitus [2].
NCDs account for 41 million deaths each year, equivalent to 71% of all deaths globally [3]. The 2018 Basic Health Research (BHR) results show an increase in the prevalence of NCDs compared to the 2013 BHR results [4]. NCDs cases in Southeast Sulawesi in 2018 were still relatively high [4,5]. In 2019, the number of hypertension sufferers in Kendari city was 13,807 cases, and DM patients were 2876 cases [6].
The high number of NCDs cases in Kendari City requires severe treatment by increasing the Public Health Center (PHC) role through the Integrated Non-Communicable Diseases Development Post (INCDDP), significantly expanding the part of cadres in the context of preventing and controlling NCDs. INCDDP is a form of community participation in activities for early detection, monitoring, and early follow-up of NCDs risk factors independently [7], routinely, integrated, and continuously [8]. The high number of PTM cases in Kendari City (Indonesia) requires serious handling by increasing the role of the Puskesmas through the Integrated Non-Communicable Disease Development Post (INCDDP), significantly expanding the role of cadres in the context of preventing and controlling PTM. INCDDP is a form of community participation in activities for early detection, monitoring, and early follow-up of PTM risk factors independently [7], routinely, integrated, and continuously [8].
In improving the skills of cadres, it is necessary to support the development of health workers, especially community nurses [9]. One of the intervention strategies that can be applied as community nurses as educators or educators is to provide health education to high-risk community groups and health cadres and change public health behavior. Following this research, nurses are expected to be able to empower cadres by increasing the knowledge and skills of cadres as mover in the community. One of the ways to increase knowledge and skills is through community-based education programs. This is intended to improve the quality of cadres in providing counseling and management to patients and families of NCDs patients, as well as the community [10–12].
The role of INCDDP cadres is as an implementer of NCDs risk factor control for the surrounding community. The functions of cadres are as coordinator of INCDDP implementation, community mobilizer to participate in INCDDP, monitoring of measurement of NCDs risk factors, counsellor for INCDDP participants, recorder of results of INCDDP activities [13].
There are still many problems in service at INCDDP related to the capacity of cadres. In theory, three factors affect a person's performance: individual elements consisting of abilities and expertise, background, and demographics. The second is psychological factors consisting of perceptions, attitudes, learning and motivation. The last is organizational factors, namely resources, leadership, rewards, structure and job design. These three factors can be classified into intrinsic factors, while extrinsic factors include political, economic and social factors [14].
The results of previous studies stated a relationship between cadre performance with attitudes, motivation, rewards, job design, and there was no relationship between HR and the role of stakeholders [15]. It is in line with other research states that the support of health cadres and family support by using INCDDP in the Ballaparang working area of Makassar City [16]. Kendari City has 15 PHCs, 13 of which have INCDDP. INCDDP cadres have a very big role in the prevention and early detection of risk factors for NCDs in the community [6].
The purpose of this study was to analyze the factors related to the performance of INCDDP cadres in Kendari City (Indonesia).
Materials and Methods
Trial design
This type of research is an observational analytic with a cross-sectional design to analyze the determinants of the proxy factors related to the performance of INCDDP cadres in Kendari City (Indonesia).
This research was carried out in October 2021 at 3 (three) Puskesmas in Kendari City (Indonesia) consisting of Abeli, Lepo-Lepo, and Perumnas Health Centers involving 56 INCDDP cadres with criteria including cadres who were present at the time of the study, cadres with active status participating in Integrated Non-Communicable Diseases Development Post (INCDDP) activities, while the inactive Cadres are expelled.
The dependent variable in this study is the performance of cadres with the objective criteria of "good" and "bad". While the independent variables are cadre training, infrastructure, knowledge, awards with "good" and "less" objective criteria. Collecting data on cadre performance variables using a questionnaire, and cadre training variables, infrastructure, knowledge, awards, also using questionnaires. on each variable, consisting of 10 questions with an alternative scoring as follows: if the respondent answers yes then it is given a score of 1 and if the respondent answers no it is given a score of zero. All questionnaires in this study used previous research questionnaires that had been tested for validity and reliability. The questionnaire received an award from the Kiting PR research. et al, [15], questionnaire of knowledge, training and infrastructure adoption from Handayani RO. et al, research [17].
Knowing the performance of cadres, training history, rewards, infrastructure, and knowledge.
Sample size
The number of participants in this study was 56 people. The age of the sample in this study was between 26-67 years, all of whom were female because all Integrated Non-Communicable Diseases Development Post (INCDDP) cadres were female. The sampling method in this study was total sampling because the number of Integrated Non-Communicable Diseases Development Post (INCDDP) candidates was very small.
Statistical analysis
Data are presented as numbers and percentages for categorical variables. Continuous data were expressed as mean ± standard deviation (SD) or median with Interquartile Range (IQR). The bivariate analysis uses the chi-square test, and multivariate uses logistic regression. Logistic regression test is used because the data scale used is categorical or binomial. in the multivariate test, there is R2 or R square also referred to as the coefficient of determination which explains how far the dependent data can be explained by independent data. All tests with p-value (p)<0.05 were considered significant. Statistical analysis was performed using the SPSS version 16.0 application.
Ethical Consideration
No economic incentives were offered or provided for participation in this study. The study was performed in accordance with the ethical considerations of the Helsinki Declaration. This study obtained ethical feasibility under the Health Research Ethics Committee of the College of Medicine, Halu Oleo University, number: 183/UN29.17.1.3/ETIK/2021.
The distribution of the characteristics of the results of this study is showed in Table 1:
Table 1. Frequency Distribution Based on Characteristics of Respondents
Table 1 shows the frequency distribution of 56 respondents based on age characteristics, primarily aged 36-45 years as many as 24 (42.9%), the highest length of being a cadre is 2-3 years, and > 5 years each is 20 (35.7%), the highest level of education is high school graduates as many as 34 (60.7%). The most elevated employment status is as a housewife as much as 34 (60.7%).
The distribution of research variables is presented in table 2. Table 2 shows the frequency, distribution by knowledge, perception of vulnerability, and compliance, there were 29 cadres (52.8%) who performed well, 26 cadres (46.4%) had attended training, 45 cadres (80.4%) stated that they had received awards, there were 48 cadres (85.7%) who indicated that infrastructure facilities were not available. Meet the minimum requirements, and 36 cadres (64.3%) have good knowledge.
Table 2. Frequency Distribution by Knowledge, perception of vulnerability, and compliance
The distribution of the relationship between research variables can be presented in the following table 3:
Table 3. Relationship between variables
Table 3 shows that of the 26 respondents who have a good training history, there are 15 cadres (57.7%) who perform well and 11 cadres (42.3%) who perform poorly, then from 30 respondents who have a history of lack of training, there are 16 cadres (53.3%). Underperforming and 14 cadres (46.7%) performed well. The chi-square test showed a p = 0.579, indicating no significant relationship between training history and the performance of INCDDP cadres.
Forty-five respondents assessed the availability of the award, as many as 27 cadres (60.0%) with good performance and 18 cadres (40.0%) with less performance. Then from 11 respondents who assessed that the award did not exist, nine cadres (81.8%) with poor performance and two cadres (18.2%) performed well. The chi-square test shows the p = 0.031, indicating a significant relationship between rewards and the implementation of INCDDP cadres.
Eight respondents assessed the minimum requirements of infrastructure, four cadres (50.0%) with good performance and four cadres (50.0%) with poor performance. Of the 48 respondents who assessed that the infrastructure did not meet the minimum requirements, 23 cadres (47.9%) underperforming and 25 cadres (52.1%) performed well. The chi-square test shows that the p = 1.0 indicates no significant relationship between infrastructure and the performance of INCDDP cadres.
Of the 36 respondents who have good knowledge, there are 24 cadres (66.7%) with good performance and 24 cadres (33.3%) with poor performance; then from 20 respondents who have less knowledge, there are 15 cadres (75.0%) with poor performance and five cadres (25.0 %) perform well. The chi-square test showed a p = 0.007, indicating a significant relationship between knowledge and performance of INCDDP cadres.
Multivariate data analysis using logistic regression test is presented in table 4.
The results of the multivariate analysis showed that the Wald value of the knowledge variable was the largest with a significant value (p = 0.090).
Table 4. Multivariate Analysis of INCDDP Cadre Performance
The value of R2 = 27.4% indicates that this model can explain the effect variable (INCDDP cadre performance) of 27.4%, while 72.6% is influenced by other variables not examined.
The value of chi square = 12,900 with sig. 0.012 in Degree of Feedom 4 the value of chi square table = 9.49. it can be seen that the p value < 0.05, so it can be ascertained that the addition of the independent variable has a real effect on the model, in other words other models are declared FIT
The purpose of this study was to analyze the factors related to the performance of INCDDP cadres in Kendari City (Indonesia). The existence of cadres should receive fair and sincere recognition and appreciation [18]. Recognition of the existence of cadres from cadre coaches in the sub-district needs to be realized by prioritizing free health services and the presence of cadre uniforms [19]. The hierarchy of human needs starts from primary needs (physiological needs and safety needs) to be dominant until these needs are felt to be sufficiently fulfilled [20].
Appreciation for the work done is a desire from selfish needs, manifested in praise, gifts (in the form of money or not), announced to his co-workers [21]. Therefore, giving awards for cadre loyalty will be very helpful to maintain the activeness of Posbindu cadres; giving tasks that are not boring with praise, completing attributes while on duty will increase cadre performance [22].
In this study, it was found that of the overall respondents, more than half had received awards from the government through the Puskesmas or the Kendari city health office. Indeed, this greatly influenced the motivation of Posbindu cadres in working. It is statistically proven that cadres who have a history of receiving awards tend to perform well and vice versa.
It is stated that usually, a person will feel mistreated if the treatment is seen as a dangerous thing. In working life, this perception is associated with various things, namely incentives and the number of hours worked [23]. The provision of incentives is a basic payment to motivate employees to be more advanced in work with more excellent skills and responsibilities [24]. Incentives are one type of award that is associated with work performance [25].
The award should be given to human resources, in this case, Posbindu PTM cadres who perform well to increase the spirit of work. Other cadres will see and will encourage other cadres to work better so that performance improves. Therefore, the performance of PTM Posbindu cadres will significantly increase if awards are given to their human resources.
In line with the findings of Renate Pah Kiting [15] stated that there is a relationship between rewards and performance (p=0.013 OR=10.400). Furthermore, Renate et al. said that cadres who received awards ten times would have the opportunity to have better performance compared to cadres who did not accept awards.
The commitment of cadres to the responsibilities and functions of the INCDDP program in the Anambas Islands is quite good. It is evidenced by the continued implementation of the INCDDP program even though it is still constrained by several problems such as limited tools and materials and has never received special training. Therefore, support and commitment from cadres are very vital in the implementation of the INCDDP program. In the results of his research, it is stated by [26] that INCDDP cadres who always consistently run INCDDP with or without training will motivate other cadres to take an active role and try to help active cadres with what has been exemplified.
In this study, only a few respondents had ever been sent to receive training, although some of the cadres who had attended the training section stated that they were not under the assignment field at INCDDP. This condition will undoubtedly affect cadres' performance where when doing work. They do not look professional due to their lack of knowledge.
There is a difference in the proportion of cadres who received training and whose performance was considered "good" compared to cadres whose performance was "good" but did not receive training. The result shows that the more often cadres attend training, the better their performance [27]. Cadre training is carried out to increase the knowledge and skills of cadres. It will be achieved if the training section is carried out correctly. Puspasari A stated that the quality of cadre training is a factor causing cadres' low knowledge and skills level in carrying out their roles and duties. Therefore, training activities should be carried out regularly with a distance that is not too long.
The training should always start with the importance of an INCDDP cadre's goals so that interest and strong desire to make decisions and take action in implementing PTM Posbindu activities arise. It is expected that cadres will work with higher motivation and feel satisfied with their work so that it has a direct impact on increasing performance [28].
Not all of the INCDDP in the working area of the PHC have complete kits; it requires them to use alternate tools at implementation. The Posbindu kit contains tools for checking blood sugar, cholesterol, uric acid, measuring height and then a body fat analyzer. Digital devices have never been calibrated, and this, of course, has fatal consequences in calculating the inspection results. Based on the inspection, the digital sphygmomanometer is broken, which give abnormal results in measurement.
Regarding the damaged digital INCDDP equipment, it is also following the research of Astuti et al. [29] that the number of NCDs INCDDP equipment is damaged/error. These tools include; body fat scale analyzer, measuring blood sugar and measuring total cholesterol. Likewise, research by Pranandari et al. [30] concluded that the infrastructure for the NCDs Posbindu in Banguntapan District, Bantul Regency for examining NCDs risk factors in the form of examination strips was not sufficient. Nova Silviyani's research [31] states that the statistical results obtained a p of 0.05 = (0.05), so it can be noted that there is no significant relationship between infrastructure and Posbindu performance.
In motivating the work, it should provide suitable facilities and infrastructure to carry out tasks. However, as complained by the cadre coach at the Kendari City District level, inadequate facilities and infrastructure such as tables, chairs, scales, stationery and especially the Posbindu place will hinder the performance of Posbindu cadres [32].
Posbindu activities will not be able to run correctly if adequate facilities do not support them. The provision of work facilities is that the work facilities provided must be sufficient and follow the duties and functions. Moreover, it must be implemented and available at the right time and place. Therefore, Posbindu facilities are everything that can support the implementation of Posbindu activities such as a fixed place or location, routine funds for giving additional food (PMT), the necessary tools, for example, kitchenware, KMS, tables, chairs, register books and others [33].
Knowledge of health cadres is an essential factor in supporting the ability of cadres to provide services. This study shows that several cadres have a low level of knowledge. There needs to be an effort to increase the knowledge of cadres, where one of the steps that can be taken is to provide health education and training to health cadres [34],[35].
Cadre knowledge is the extent to which cadres understand their duties and roles in INCDDP activities, including preparation before implementation, during implementation and after the implementation of INCDDP for the elderly. Knowledge of health cadres about INCDDP services is obtained from the information they obtain both from official sources, meaning from the health office that fosters them, from informal sources, and activities aimed at increasing cadre knowledge such as training, seminars and so on [36].
It is evident from the results of statistical tests that there is a relationship between knowledge and the performance of Posbindu cadres in the working area of the Puskesmas in Kendari City. Hence, there is a tendency for cadres who have an excellent ability to do their jobs well.
It is in line with research [37] which examines the relationship between knowledge and length of work with the skills of cadres in assessing the growth curve of toddlers at the Posyandu, Tegalsari Village, Candisari District, Semarang City. This study shows that the level of knowledge of cadres about the growth curve of toddlers is primarily adequate, where one of the factors related to this knowledge is the level of education of cadres, most of whom are in high school.
We assume the level of education of cadres varies from elementary school to high school level. This level of schooling dramatically affects the attitude and ability of cadres in capturing information conveyed by officers both when training and visits to INCDDP.
5.Multivariate test results
In Table 4, there is a significant positive correlation between the Performance and Knowledge of INCDDP Cadres (OR=4.987; p=0.019). it can be explained that after going through a simultaneous test between the performance of cadres and all independent variables (knowledge, training, infrastructure, and awards) it was found that only the knowledge of cadres was significant while the other 3 variables were not significant. Knowledge of cadres dominates the motivation of cadres to improve their performance, so even though infrastructure is available, if cadres do not have knowledge of what to do, then cadres' performance tends to be poor.
Implications of research results for nursing and clinical practice is to be valuable information for health service providers, especially community health centers to maximize the performance of nurses in assisting cadres when providing services to the community.
Cadre performance is related to awards, cadre training history, infrastructure and cadre knowledge. The most related factor to INCDDP cadre performance is cadre knowledge.
There is a need to increase advocacy to the legislative body regarding the importance of getting more budget for PHC and the need to improve health funds budgeted through the Regional Revenue and Expenditure Budget (APBD) to support the implementation of services and the need to formulate regulatory policies to tackle financing for cadres immediately. It is necessary to carry out periodic training for cadres, and it is hoped that INCDDP cadres will continue to explore knowledge and experience to improve performance in the implementation of INCDDP activities and always be positive in every action carried out at INCDDP and need to improve and improve facilities and infrastructure to meet basic service needs.
Limitations of Study
The limitations of this study include the very limited number of subjects, and this research only involves one region or 1 region so the results may be different when compared to other regions or regions in Indonesia.
We would like to thank the Chairperson of the research institute and community service who have supported this research.
Funding statement
This research did not receive any specific grant from funding agencies in the public, commercial, or not for profit sectors.
Competing interests statement
There are no competing interests for this study.
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Appendix A
Instruction :
1. Fill in the blanks with honest answers
2. Put a tick (X) on the multiple choice answer
3. Put a tick (√ ) on the available answer choices
A. Cadre performance
B. INCDDP Cadre Training
Have you ever received training for INCDDP cadres?
a. Yes
b. No
C. Awards
1. Have you ever received an award in the form of a charter or award while being a INCDDP cadre?
a. Yes
b. No
2. Have you ever received an award in the form of funds while being a INCDDP cadre?
a. Yes
b. No
3. Do you get a uniform to carry out INCDDP activities?
a. Yes
b. No
4. Do you always receive an award if you are active in INCDDP activities?
a. Yes
b. No
D. Facilities and infrastructure
E. Knowledge
Rosmaria1, Rayandra Ashar2, Muhaimin3, Herlambang4
1Department of Midwifery, Health Polytechnic of Jambi, Indonesia
2Chemistry Education Study Program, Faculty of Teacher Training and Education, Jambi University, Indonesia
3Study Programs In Chemistry Education, Faculty of Teacher Training and Education, Jambi University, Indonesia
4Medical Study Program, Faculty of Medicine, Jambi University, Indonesia
* Corresponding author: Rosmaria, Department of Midwifery, Health Polytechnic of Jambi, Indonesia. , E-mail:
Cita questo articolo
Background. PBL is a student-centred learning method where students determine their own learning goals from clinical-based problems. Many studies have been conducted regarding the effectiveness of PBL based on virtual classes or online classes in various fields of science. This systematic study aims to evaluate the implementation of PBL in various online learning contexts.
Methods. This systematic review was conducted using the Preferred Reporting Items for Systematic Reviews and Meta-analyses (PRISMA) statement. We include intervention studies, training, or educational strategies using PBL method focusing on any health student class, and published between 2010 to 2021. Three authors (RA, MH, HR) performed data extraction. Differences that arise are resolved by consensus, in consultation with other investigators (RS).
Results. The search returned 1,678 articles; after removing the duplicated articles, 731 articles remained, of which 721 articles were removed after screening titles and abstracts. The remaining ten articles were reviewed and checked for eligibility, so three articles were excluded. The final results were collected as many as seven articles that met the inclusion criteria.
Conclusion. Online PBL is perceived to be an effective educational strategy by lecturer. Overall, the results for PBL in online/virtual class include Positively impact the learning experience, Increase knowledge and skills, improve the learning process, Increased self-learning capacity, motivation, self-monitoring, and interpersonal communication, Improve student understanding and application of theoretical knowledge in a large classroom setting, Increased availability and acceptance, reduced interactivity.
Keywords: Problem-Based learning, Virtual, Online Class, Students
As a modern pedagogical philosophy, Problem-Based Learning (PBL) is increasingly recognized as a critical research area in student learning and pedagogical innovation in health science education [1,2]. In contrast to teaching and learning approaches dominated by conventional lectures, inquiry-based approaches such as PBL encourage students to be actively involved in knowledge construction and develop competencies in various contexts [3]. This review focuses on PBL rather than other inquiry-based pedagogical approaches, such as discovery learning, experiential learning, and project-based learning. Given the high level of technological involvement of 21st-century learners, a new area of research is examining the emerging role of educational technology in PBL [4–6]. Therefore, this study aims to review the application of PBL in the concept of problem-based online classes. What is interesting from this review are studies investigating the effectiveness of online classes in achieving PBL-related student learning outcomes of flexible knowledge, practical problem-solving skills, independent study skills, collaborative teamwork skills, and intrinsic motivation [7,8].
The studies included in this review are studies where educational technology has been adopted to support PBL for undergraduate and postgraduate program learning. Traditional pedagogy, which is teacher-centred, class-oriented, and pressure on exams, places students passively “acceptance” state [9]. PBL is a student-centred learning method where students determine their own learning goals from clinical-based problems [10,11]. As an established approach, PBL has been reported to be suitable for use in graduate medical schools [12]. Recently, PBL has become a subject of considerable interest in postgraduate education. PBL can cultivate postgraduate leadership, teamwork, communication, and problem-solving skills, which are helpful for lifelong learning and facilitate postgraduates to take responsibility for their learning.
The online PBL format has been piloted with varying degrees of success, and although the PBL approach is beneficial for students in various disciplines, the results associated with this strategy are inconclusive in nursing education [13]. One such study compared conventional classroom-based strategies with problem-based asynchronous learning for part-time public health students. The development of web-based technology has resulted in new ways to implement PBL in large classrooms [14]. New teaching methods facilitated by web-based technologies have been applied in nursing education using web-based PBL methods with promising effects. Web-based PBL also enables better communication between teachers and students. When used with conventional PBL teaching methods, web-based PBL facilitates the development and promotion of more significant self-directed learning and innovation in nursing and other professional education systems.
Many studies have been conducted regarding the effectiveness of PBL based on virtual classes or online classes in various fields of science. It has prompted the author's interest to conduct a systematic study of this review on PBL implementation based on online classes or virtual classes. For this reason, the current study aims to evaluate the implementation of PBL in various online learning contexts.
Review Protocol
This systematic review was conducted using the Preferred Reporting Items for Systematic Reviews and Meta-analyses (PRISMA) statement [15]. The current study tries to evaluate the application of the problem-based learning method in virtual or online learning situations from articles that have been published in the period 2010 to 2021.
Searching strategy
Relevant articles were searched and collected using Sciencedirect, Google Scholar, Proquest, Pubmed, and the Wiley Online Library, with a publication time between 2010 and 2021. The search keywords were adjusted according to the Mesh terms for health research. The keywords used vary, depending on the search engine used. In general, the keywords focus on 'Effectiveness' OR 'Effect' OR 'Evaluation' AND 'Problem-Based Learning' OR 'PBL' AND 'Online class' OR 'Virtual class' OR 'virtual meeting' AND 'web-based' OR 'social-media OR 'Online group discussion'.
Inclusion criteria consist of intervention studies, training, or educational strategies using PBL method focusing on any health student class in certain subjects for example Physiology, anatomy, nursing care, community health, etc. Study outcomes such as increased knowledge, attitude, skills, and/or student satisfaction. We choose only articles published in English, and in the time range 2010 to 2021. We excluded or not reviewed books, disertation, letter to editor, and systematic review study.
Study Quality
Overall articles were assessed using the NIH (National Institutes of Health) quality assessment of controlled intervention studies, for Observational Cohort and Cross-Sectional Studies, and Quality Assessment of Case-Control Studies [16].
A scoring sheet was developed to assess the research methodology and adherence to the scoring criteria for each article that met the inclusion criteria of this study. Articles with scores <30% of the criteria were classified as "poor", scores between 30 and 70% were classified as "moderate", and scores >70% were classified as "good" study quality. The articles taken are classified as moderate and "good".
Extraction and Analysis
Three authors (RA, MH, HR) performed data extraction. Differences that arise are resolved by consensus, in consultation with other investigators (RS) if an agreement is not reached. Main items extracted included: lead author/year, country, purpose of the study, method (Quasi-experimental, Randomized Controlled Trial), evaluation strategies, and results.
Titles and abstracts are screened on each database. Screening for duplicate articles is carried out using the Mendeley application. Substantive information is extracted from each article into a Microsoft Word table.
The author determined the selection of articles after being reviewed from 7 full-text articles adjusted to the inclusion and exclusion criteria. Data extraction was carried out with care. The interpretations are presented in the table by taking the critical parts of the article.
The search returned 1,678 articles; after removing the duplicated articles, 731 articles remained, of which 721 were removed after screening titles and abstracts. The remaining ten articles were reviewed and checked for eligibility, so three articles were excluded. The final results were collected as many as seven articles that met the inclusion criteria.
Article Characteristics
Most of the literature included is in the quantitative type with a Quasy experimental research design of five articles [13,17,18,21,22] and one each for the Randomized Controlled Trial [20], and Research & Development [19]. A total of 654 students were involved in all the studies included in this study. Included articles were published from 2010 to 2021 and conducted in five different countries, including China (n = 3) and one study in Hong Kong, Turkey, Korea, and the USA.
Areas of knowledge for the implementation of Problem-Based Learning (PBL) in online classes include Hematology [17], Dentistry [13], Nursing management [22], problem-solving skills, and communication skills [18], Division of Speech and Hearing Sciences [19], Oncology Nurses [20], bio-pharmaceutics [21].
The educational levels of participants in several articles included in this review consist of clerkship students [13], Post-graduate students [15], undergraduate students, and working nurses [18].
Figure 1. PRISMA Flowchart literature search
Table1. Critical data extraction from included articles
Online settings
The online class system used is varied, such as We-chat social media used in three studies conducted in China with results showing that this strategy provides an increase in the learning experience, increases student knowledge, and interpersonal communication [13,17,22]. Two studies conducted in the same year, namely 2014 in Hong Kong and Korea, used a web-based interface to form Adobe Connect and the e-PBL program. In carrying out the study, authors combined several other internet-based communication channels such as e-mail, and social media as a forum to discuss the assigned tasks where it improvises the learning process and can increase students' knowledge [19,20]. Meanwhile, a study in the USA used the Google Hangout application to discuss the tasks of the Problem-Based Learning program; this is considered the most accessible medium to use where this application is available on every gadget or smart phone. Through those media may increased availability and acceptance, but unfortunately reduced interactivity [21]. The application that is currently most often used is "Zoom" Aslan conducted a study that tried to investigate the effect of using this application in the PBL model on the problem-solving skills, communication skills, and interactions of 45 students involved in his studies. Zoom PBL improves student understanding and application of theoretical knowledge in a large classroom setting [18].
The entire study was conducted to assess the effect of implementing the PBL method in online classes. Some studies even compare with conventional methods or face-to-face [21]; [20]. Meanwhile, the study conducted by [18] tried to compare the online class with the PBL approach with the online class teacher-based methods. Three studies using We-chat applications in China aimed to assess the effectiveness of online class-based PBL using We-chat, but each has a different field of knowledge for its application [13,17,22].
The articles reviewed in this systematic review generally show the implementation of PBL methods in online classes. In some cases, this method can reduce cognitive load and allow students to learn in complex domains [18,20].
The We Chat-based PBL mode conducted by [17] is designed to support postgraduate students' abilities in haematology courses, including those related to clinical reasoning, team skills, and meta-cognition. This online PBL model has succeeded in eliminating the physical and temporal limitations of traditional PBL, as has been implemented so far [17]. Similar results were also obtained in another study that used We-Chat as a medium in the implementation of PBL, where this method succeeded in removing the physical and temporal limitations of traditional PBL in dental registrars. We-chat is very common and familiar in China, so this application is the primary choice for people to socialize in cyberspace. This method also ensures the time required and quality of PBL, expands the means of acquiring knowledge, and increases efficiency in problem-solving. As a modern pedagogical philosophy, the importance of PBL is increasingly recognized in student learning and innovation in medical education [1]. Many educators have tried to improve traditional PBL by modifying instruction. Therefore, other PBL modes such as tutors PBL, 3C3R Modified PBL, and Hybrid PBL have emerged in PBL teaching [13,23,24]. However, compared to traditional PBL, WeChat-PBL has several advantages that take PBL to a higher level [13,22].
M.L. Ng and colleagues used Adobe Connect to implement online tutorials to embody the Problem-Based Learning model for students. Users, namely students, can open any web browser to connect to Adobe Connect. All PBL sessions ran smoothly, without significant delays in audio or serious interruptions in video transmission. Students stated that Adobe Connect was smooth, easy to install and worked well with their home internet connection. The students agreed that the system met the requirements for online tutorials. The study also concludes that the pedagogical effectiveness associated with online PBL does not differ from traditional PBL for students in later years with the curriculum well integrated into the PBL process. Through online PBL, students enjoy PBL more and save a lot of travel time [19]. Thus, online PBL appears to be the way forward when time and place requirements cannot be met or when weather or other conditions do not allow for regular meetings or the current situation, namely the Covid-19 pandemic.
The e-PBL program that is trying to be developed in Korea shows that this program is very useful, especially for Oncology nurses. Online learning allows participants to interact with each other regardless of time and place restrictions and presents complex data in an accessible way that is fun and easy to learn. This program is highly expected to be integrated into continuing education for nurses. when PBL is delivered in online groups, students can play an active role in solving problems through the use of case studies and online discussions. Tutors participate in online discussions by contributing questions and comments, and provide timely feedback to encourage collaboration and topic-focused discussion [20].
The challenges of online education include technological capabilities, student acceptance of technology, and the ability of lecturers to adapt to new roles and to acquire new instructional skills [25]. The survey results in research in the USA show that technology is not a barrier for students. However, almost half of the students in the class indicated that they preferred discussion in class to online. Many students get lower online discussion learning scores than in class meetings [5]. PBL discussion meetings may be held online due to the increased availability and acceptance of technology but may lead to reduced interaction and participation. This suggests that online discussions require facilitators to encourage and stimulate student participation and active student-student interaction which may differ from the approach used for face-to-face class discussions [5].
The current reviews corresponds to the findings from other reviews focusing on the effectiveness of DPBL (Digital Problem Based Learning) in improving health professionals’ knowledge, skills, attitudes, and satisfaction [1],[26]. These reviews explores more the differentiation between DPBL and traditional PBL [26]. In current review, we found few evidence that show the effectiveness of PBL in virtual environment similar with traditional PBL. Jin & Bridges reviews stated more on the hardware used in PBL, while our review mostly used software or application which commonly can be accessed using android technology in mobile phone.
This systematic review shows the implementation of various PBL-based online classroom technologies. Overall, the results for PBL in virtual class include Positively impact the learning experience, Increase knowledge and skills, improve the learning process, Increased self-learning capacity, motivation, self-monitoring, and interpersonal communication, Improve student understanding and application of theoretical knowledge in a large classroom setting, Increased availability and acceptance, reduced interactivity.
The systematic preparation of this review cannot be separated from efforts to collect relevant articles completely and comprehensively discussing issues related to the theme of implementing the PBL model in online classes. The author does not collect enough relevant articles due to the accessibility of relevant articles in the database that the author cannot do, besides the language that the author limits to English articles only. In the end, we were unable to carry out further analysis (meta-analysis) because the number of articles included in this study did not meet the requirements (very few).
Funding statement
This research did not receive any specific grant from funding agencies in the public, commercial, or not for profit sectors.
Competing interests statement
There are no competing interests for this study.
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This work is licensed under a Creative Commons
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Yuli Suryanti1*, Damris Muhammad2, M. Naswir3, Guspianto2
1Department of Midwifery, Health Polytechnic of Jambi, Indonesia
2Department of Environmental Engineering, Jambi University, Indonesia
3Department of Chemistry, Jambi University, Indonesia
4Department of Public Health, Jambi University, Indonesia
* Corresponding author: Yuli Suryanti, Department of Midwifery, Health Polytechnic of Jambi, Indonesia, Jalan Prof DR GA Siwabessy No.42. Buluran Kenali, Kec. Telanaipura, Kota Jambi,.36122, Phone : +62 813-6635-9359, E-mail:
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Introduction: Breast milk is the best food for babies because it contains nutrients to support growth and development. The achievement rate of exclusive breastfeeding in ASIA countries has not yet reached the expected target. The coverage of exclusive breastfeeding in Jambi Province in 2018 was 59.36%. The success of exclusive breastfeeding is not only influenced by the mother's physical and mental readiness to breastfeed. Still, it is also influenced by support from health workers and the family. The study aimed to determine the effect of counseling using breastfeeding video on grandmothers' knowledge as breastfeeding support in Sembubuk Village, Muaro Jambi Regency.
Methods: This type of pre-experimental research using the One Group Pretest-Posttest design, which saw 40 grandmothers of the Breast Milk Support Group members, was carried out from June 2020 to July 2021. Respondents answer the questionnaires to complete the data collection. The intervention carried out in this study was the provision of counseling using video media about breastfeeding. Data were analyzed through univariate and bivariate using the Wilcoxon test.
Results: The results showed the p-value = 0.0001, which means that breastfeeding video affects grandmothers' knowledge in breastfeeding support groups in Sembubuk village, Muaro Jambi District.
Conslusion: The results of this study are expected to increase public knowledge and insight regarding the importance of breastfeeding for infant health so that positive behavior is formed in breastfeeding, providing additional appropriate information to advance understanding of breastfeeding support groups about breastfeeding.
Keywords: Exclusive breastfeeding, health education, Knowledge, Video-based
Breast milk has been an optimal food source for babies due to its rich nutrients for growth and development [1–3]. The benefits of breast milk will be optimal if it is given regularly from birth with the correct breastfeeding position, breastfeeding at the baby's desire (on demand), and offered exclusively [4–6]. In Indonesia, exclusive breastfeeding for 6 (six) months has been stipulated in the Decree of the Minister of Health No. 450/Menkes/SK/IV/20042 [7].
The achievement target of exclusive breastfeeding in Indonesia is 75% [8], while globally, it is 70% [9]. Exclusive breastfeeding in ASIA countries is far from the achievement target [10]. Exclusive breastfeeding coverage for infants under 6 months is 15% in Thailand, 40% in China, Indonesia 42%, India 46%, Mongolia 66% [11]. Based on this percentage, Indonesia has the third position of lowest breastfeeding coverage compared to other ASIA countries [12]. The issue is related to the number of mothers who do not like exclusive breastfeeding, where almost 9 out of 10 mothers have breastfed [13]. Still, only 49.8% gave exclusive breastfeeding for six months [14,15]. The low coverage of exclusive breastfeeding impacts the quality of life of the next generation and the national economy [16–18]. The number of mothers who have breastfed in Indonesia is already high at 90%, but those who give exclusively for six months are still low (20%) [19,20]. The coverage of exclusive breastfeeding in 2018 in Jambi Province was 59.36%, while the target for the province was 61%. Merangin Regency is the only district with the highest achievement of exclusive breastfeeding with 88.75%. In comparison, the lowest is Tanjung Jabung Barat Regency at 30.91%, and Muaro Jambi Regency with the 3rd rank of 64.54% [21]. Penyengat Olak, one of the sub-districts in Muaro Jambi Regency, consists of 8 villages. Sembubuk village is the only village with the lowest breastfeeding coverage; based on the survey results, the number of infants aged 0-2 years old in Sembubuk was 71 people, and the number of infants 0-6 months was 40 people. The Penyengat Olak Health Center targets exclusive breastfeeding of 65% [22].
Infants, who get insufficient breastfed until the first six months of life, are at risk of developing diarrhea [23,24]. Meanwhile, complementary foods such as formula milk also increase the risk of diarrhea, resulting in malnutrition because the nutritional content in formula milk is not sufficient to meet baby needs. Lack of breastfeeding causes babies to be malnourished [25,26]. Malnutrition will decrease the quality of human resources, such as failure of physical growth, mental and intellectual development, lowering productivity, increasing morbidity and mortality. Breast milk benefits both mother and fetus, and it also appears to reduce the chances of getting leukemia, lymphoma, diabetes, and asthma as the child grows older [27].
The success of exclusive breastfeeding is not only influenced by the mother's physical and mental readiness but is also influenced by support factors from both health workers and family [28]. Research by Nankuda et al. [29], in rural areas in Uganda proves that peer support in the form of visits and providing support can be more readily accepted in the breastfeeding mother community. Mothers feel happy to have a peer counselor who can help them with various problems during breastfeeding [30]. To improve and support the process of exclusive breastfeeding for mothers, forming a breastfeeding support group can be an option [31]. The Breast Milk Support Group is a forum for breastfeeding mothers to give and receive technical, moral, and emotional support by exchanging experiences and discussing maternal and child health, especially breastfeeding and nutrition [32]. Those are facilitated or guided by breast milk motivators. It is considered to cause behavioral changes in society. One of these behavioral changes can be seen in the mother's breastfeeding belief [33]. Bekti and colleagues [7], in their study on the Effectiveness of Exclusive Breastfeeding Support Groups (EBSG) toward Exclusive Breastfeeding Behavior, found that the majority of the groups with exclusive EBSG support (86.4%) gave exclusive breastfeeding. In comparison, there is only a tiny part (31.8%) of exclusively breastfed in the leaflet group. The formation of breastfeeding support groups affects entire breastfeeding behavior (p-value 0.001).
The involvement of grandmothers who support breastfeeding is essential because grandmothers play a vital role in the family. Grandmothers can influence decisions in the family, whether the mother should breastfeed a newborn baby or not. This condition is almost evenly spread throughout Indonesia [34,35]. Other research in the Ayeyarwaddy Region in Myanmar found that one of the primary barriers to exclusive breastfeeding was that mothers, husbands, and grandmothers believed exclusive breastfeeding was insufficient for babies and solid foods and water were necessary [36]. Supporting EBSG activities, a counseling program is needed to increase grandmother's knowledge about the importance of exclusive breastfeeding. Counseling is effective using a variety of media. It depends on the learning component, such as the use of media. Engaging media will provide confidence to accelerate affective and psychomotor cognitive changes [37]. One of the media in counseling is video. Video is a modern interactive medium by times (advancement of science and technology) because it can be seen and heard. Messages delivered are more efficient because moving images can communicate messages quickly and naturally [38].
Video media has advantages in providing good visualization to facilitate absorbing knowledge. Video is included in audio-visual media because it involves the sense of hearing and the importance of sight [38].
This study aims to determine the effect of video media on breastfeeding knowledge of breastfeeding support groups in Sembubuk Village, Muaro Jambi Regency.
Trial design
This study establishes a pre-experiment with the One Group Pretest-Posttest approach, aiming to determine the Effect of Video Media on Breastfeeding on Knowledge of Breastfeeding Supporting Grandmothers Group in Sembubuk Village, Muaro Jambi Regency.
The population in this study were EBSG members totaling 40 people, selected randomly and consecutively according to our inclusion criteria. This study was conducted in June 2021.
Inclusion and Exclusion Criteria
Grandmothers who live with nursing mothers, while grandmothers who do not understand Indonesian are excluded
The data was collected by filling out a questionnaire by the respondents. The intervention that will be carried out in this study is the provision of counseling using video media about breastfeeding. The research team made Breastfeeding videos are made. This video is 15 minutes long which contains the understanding of breastfeeding, the benefits of breastfeeding, the correct way to breastfeed, the recommended breastfeeding time, the duration of breastfeeding. video screening was held at the conference hall in Sembubuk Village, Muaro Jambi Regency
The knowledge questionnaire consists of 15 questions about breastfeeding. If the mother who supports breastfeeding is correct, she is given a score of 1, while if the answer is wrong, she is given a 0. The objective criteria for the variable are good and imperfect knowledge. Cut-off criteria are good and less, using a median value of 8. Good criteria, if the total answer score is 8-15, while the criteria are less if the total answer score is 1-7.
This questionnaire contains the definition of breastfeeding, benefits for mothers and babies; baby satisfied signs, the content of breast milk, the age of breastfeeding, breastfeeding manner, the actions after breastfed, when the baby is breastfed for the first time, the meaning of colostrum, the age of giving. Complementary feeding, grandmother's understanding of breastfeeding, frequency of breastfeeding in a day. The questionnaire used has been validated and declared valid and reliable. Determine the validity of the questions by using the product-moment test. If the coefficient between each item and the total item is equal to or above 0.3, the item is declared valid. Still, if the correlation value is below 0.3, the item is declared invalid. While the correlation is 0.7, the item provides a sufficient level of reliability; otherwise, if the correlation value is below 0.7, the item is said to be less reliable—determination of reliable items using Spearman Rho test [39]. The instrument test was carried out on ten breastfeeding mothers with the results. From the 15 questions asked, two questions had a validity index value of <0.3, so they had to be corrected, and two questions correlated 0.7, so they had to be updated again.
Questionnaires were distributed to grandmothers in Sembubuk village, Muaro Jambi district, Indonesia. After the researcher carried out data collection, the researcher then compiled the data, processed and analyzed the data. Female researcher aged 35-50 years with qualified health research experience.
The research outcome is in the form of information about the influence of video media on the knowledge of breastfeeding mothers
Sample size
This study involved 40 participants, namely grandmothers who support breastfeeding, where these grandmothers will be given education in the form of breastfeeding videos and then evaluate the knowledge of the grandmothers.
Ethical Consideration
No economic incentives were offered or provided for participation in this study. The study was performed in accordance with the ethical considerations of the Helsinki Declaration. This study obtained ethical feasibility under the Health Research Ethics Commission of the Ministry of Health, Jambi, and registration number: LB.03.02./3.5/140/2021.
Statistical analysis
Data are presented as numbers and percentages for categorical variables. Continuous data were expressed as mean ± standard deviation (SD) or median with Interquartile Range (IQR). Then proceed with bivariate analysis using the Wilcoxon test. The Wilcoxon test was used to determine the effect of counseling using breastfeeding video on the knowledge of breast milk supportive groups. All tests with p-value (p)<0.05 were considered significant. Statistical analysis was performed using the SPSS version 16.0 application.
The characteristics of respondents in this study include age, education level, and occupation. The following is the frequency distribution of the respondents' characteristics in this study:
Table 1. Frequency Distribution of Respondents Characteristics
In Table 1 it is known that most of the respondents with an age range of 46-55 years are 18 respondents (45%), and there are no respondents aged <25 years. most of the respondents with elementary education are 15 respondents (37.5%). Most types of work are housewives as many as 18 respondents (45.0). Knowledge of breastfeeding support groups before and after being given an intervention using video media about breastfeeding underwent univariate analysis.
Table 2. Distribution of Knowledge Frequency of Breastfeeding Support Groups Before and after Video Media About Breastfeeding
Table 2 shows that of the 40 respondents who knew the breastfeeding grandmother group before being given video media about breastfeeding, 19 respondents (47.5%) had good knowledge, and 21 respondents (52.5%) had poor knowledge. Then it changed after counseling using video media, namely 40 respondents (100%) had good knowledge.
The effect of breastfeeding counseling using video media on the knowledge of the grandmothers of the support group can be seen in the following table:
Table 3. The Effect of Video Breastfeeding on Knowledge of Breastfeeding Supporting Group
Table 3 shows an increase between before and after being given video media about breastfeeding with statistical test results obtained p-value = 0.0001 <0.05. This statistical test indicates an effect of video media on breastfeeding on the knowledge of the breastfeeding support grandmother group in Sembubuk village, Muaro Jambi District.
The description of the knowledge of the breastfeeding grandmother group before (pre-test) the video-based intervention was rated at a minimum of 5, and the maximum value of the ability of the breastfeeding support grandmother group before being given video-based intervention was 15. The average value of the knowledge value of the breastfeeding support grandmother group before being given an intervention using media the video is 11.25.
The current study revealed respondents knowledge which appears inadequate regarding breastfeeding. Respondents indicated some of their ignorance about the economic benefits of breastfeeding for mother and baby, baby signs of enough breast milk, the nutrients in breast milk, exclusive breastfeeding time, breastfeeding manner, activities after breastfeeding, the right time to provide breast milk, breast milk for the first time, Breastfeeding in infants, the role of colostrum, timing of additional food and drink, sources of information, and frequency of breastfeeding in a day.
The description of support groups' breastfeeding knowledge in Sembubuk Village after (post-test) intervention reaches a minimum score of 13, a maximum value of 15 and a median value of 14.00. After being given a video-based intervention, nearly all of the questions can be answered by respondents. It shows an increase in the knowledge of the breastfeeding support grandmother group. The questionnaire correctly answers statements about the nutritional contained in breast milk, such as carbohydrates, proteins, fats, minerals and vitamins. The following information is regarding the correct way of breastfeeding. Washing hands, cleaning the mother's breasts, removing a little milk and then smearing it on the nipple and the surrounding areola, inserting the nipple and making sure the baby sucks the entire dark area of the breast and not just the nipple. The following statement is about when a baby should be given his first breast milk immediately after birth or a maximum of 1 hour after birth. The results are in line with the previous study [7] regarding the Effectiveness of Exclusive Breastfeeding Support Groups on Exclusive Breastfeeding Behavior, where the group with exclusive Breast Milk Support mainly (86.4%) gave exclusive breastfeeding, while the group with leaflet intervention only a tiny proportion (31.8%) of exclusively breastfeeding. The formation of breastfeeding support groups affects exclusive-breastfeeding behavior (p-value 0.001).
Another study by Fatiyani & Ani [40] regarding the Formation and Implementation of Breastfeeding Support Groups in the Work Area of the Rejosari Health Center, Tenayan Raya Pekanbaru, in 2019 found the formation of a Breastfeeding Support Group (BSG) "Bintang with Sirih Adat." Increase knowledge of Exclusive Breastfeeding Support Groups mothers on Early Breastfeeding Initiation (IMD) material from an average of 60 to 80. Knowledge of Exclusive Breastfeeding Support Groups mothers on breastfeeding material from an average of 70 to 90.4. The provision of Exclusive Breastfeeding Support Groups mothers' skills in providing IEC was 83.75.
The BSG in Penyengat Olak is the Breastfeeding Supporting Grandmother Group (BSGG), an association or community whose members consist of grandmothers who work in breastfeeding support groups. This group of grandmothers who support breastfeeding is followed by prospective grandmothers/grandmothers aged 34-65 years, established in 2019. The activity was carried out at the Penyengat Olak Health Center with several briefings and providing materials using leaflet media by a team of health workers about the importance of exclusive breastfeeding during breastfeeding. Six months, and continued breastfeeding for up to 2 years.
BSGG can assist in counseling activities and increase the coverage of exclusive breastfeeding in Sembubuk village, Muaro Jambi District. The reason for choosing grandmothers as a supporter of breastfeeding is related to the role of parents. Both in-laws and grandmothers significantly influence exclusive breastfeeding, such as the recommendation to give complementary foods (MPASI) too early, usually because the baby is fussy even though he has been given breast milk or formula milk. In addition, a grandmother is a person who is more experienced in taking care of babies because grandmothers already have this experience so that they can be an example or role model for young mothers. Although mothers know that giving MP-ASI too early can interfere with the baby's health, they think that parents, whether in-laws or grandmothers, are considered to learn better ways to take care of children because they are deemed to have experience and understand better in taking care of children [41].
There is an increase in BSGG knowledge after being given video-based counselling, with statistical test results obtained p-value = 0.0001, which means that video media's effect on breastfeeding on BSG knowledge in Sembubuk village Muaro Jambi District.
This intervention can be used as an effort to improve the quality of health services and health promotion as well as add information and insight for health workers at the Penyengat Olak Health Center, especially in Sembubuk Village, where breastfeeding coverage is the lowest in the work area of the Penyengat Olak Health Center of 7 other villages.
Limitations of Study
The limitations of this study include the very limited number of samples and the research only involves one province in Indonesia.
We would like to express our gratitude to the director of the Midwifery Department of Jambi health polytechnic who has supported this research.
Funding statement
This research did not receive any specific grant from funding agencies in the public, commercial, or not for profit sectors.
Competing interests statement
There are no competing interests for this study.
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This work is licensed under a Creative Commons. Attribution-NonCommercial-NoDerivatives 4.0 International License.
Winda Triana1*, Ervon Verza 1, Pahrur Razi 1
- Department Of Health Promotion, Health Polytechnic of Jambi, Indonesia
* Corresponding author: Winda Triana, Jl. Prof DR GA Siwabessy No.42, Buluran Kenali, Kec. Telanaipura, Kota Jambi, Jambi 36122 Department of Midwifery, Health Polytechnic of Jambi, Indonesia. Orcid : Email:
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Introduction: Efforts to prevent the transmission of infectious diseases through hands can be prevented by washing hands. It is especially emphasized on mothers with toddlers. However, many mothers do not know how to wash their hands using soap correctly and adequately. This study aims to analyze the effect of the emotional demonstration method and video media on how to wash hands on the knowledge and skills of homemakers.
Materials and Methods: This research is a quasi-experimental method, with a two-group design pretest-posttest approach involving 40 participants, conducted in September-October 2020 in Penyengat Olak Village. The research sample was divided into two groups, 20 participants received the emo demo method, and 20 other participants received videos.
Results: The results showed an increase in mothers' knowledge and skills after receiving an education using the emotional demonstration method and video media and statistically showed significant results (<0.05).
Conclusion: Therefore, this educational media is highly recommended as a method of educating the public about good and correct hand washing
Keyword: Wash-hands, Education media, Emotional demonstration, video learning, knowledge, skill
The hand is the easiest part of the body as an intermediary for entering germs in the body [1,2]. Therefore, hand hygiene can reduce morbidity and mortality due to infections spread by the fecal-oral route and person-to-person contacts, such as diarrhea and upper respiratory tract infections. Information about this is widely known, but the habit of washing hands with soap is still not optimal [3,4]. Most people already know the importance of washing hands with soap, but there are still few (only 5%) washing hands properly in practice. Most people think that washing hands with water is enough to prevent disease. This perception is undoubtedly wrong because water cannot kill germs/bacteria on hands [5]. Handwashing with proper soap reduces the risk of developing diseases such as diarrhea and can reduce the risk of diarrhea among children five years and under by up to 45% [6].
The lack of public awareness, especially mothers who have pre-school children, in implementing washing hands with soap is the effect of lack of understanding. Therefore, the form of intervention that can improve community compliance, especially homemakers, can be done by giving examples to mothers through demonstrations or showing videos [7]. Emotional Demonstration (Emo Demo) is one of the public education methods developed by the Global Alliance for Improved Nutrition (GAIN) through a new approach that refers to the Behavior Centered Design (BCD) theory [8]. BCD was initiated by the Environmental Health Group of the London School of Hygiene and Tropical Medicine (LSHTM) [9]. BCD was developed based on evolutionary principles and environmental psychology and a way to plan and test imaginative and provocative behavior change interventions. BCD theory holds that behavior can only change in response to something new, challenging, surprising, or interesting. This Emo Demo method uses imaginative and provocative ways to achieve behavior change in public health [10].
Emo Demo is a communication strategy in behavior change that incorporates Behavior Communication Change (BCC), an interactive process between individuals, groups, or communities to develop communication strategies to achieve positive behavior change. Behavior Communication Definition (BCD) is a communication process that utilizes individual psychological constructions involving feelings, needs, and thoughts. It is one of the methods that is being widespread and gaining attention [11]. The success and effectiveness of using Emo Demo have been proven in implementation in several areas. These results encourage the need for the introduction of this method in other areas of health education. The Emo Demo method, in addition to providing health information, also uploads the subject's emotions so that the subject will be encouraged to make behavioral changes [12,13].
Another method that can be used is learning videos on how to wash hands properly and correctly. Video media has become an integral part of both desktop and laptop computers. The latest development of video media as a digital device is its ability to display images and sound simultaneously with a high level of clarity. It is known as picture and sound in high definition format. The rapid development of video technology, both software, and hardware, has given this media its advantages to be used as a learning medium [14].
The learning video program differs from other video programs regarding the objectives to be achieved [15,16]. The instructional video program has more specific objectives when compared to the objectives to be achieved in the entertainment video program. This program is usually proposed to support learning activities for specific audience groups to achieve specific competencies [17,18].
Lack of proper handwashing practice causes bacteria to enter the body quickly because hands are a medium for rapid transfer/exchange. Therefore, this study aims to analyze the effect of the Emotional Demonstration Method and video media on How to Wash Hands on the knowledge and skills of homemakers in Penyengat Olak Village.
Trial design
This research is a quasi-experimental study using two groups of pretest-posttest design
This study involved 40 participants who were divided into 2 groups and was carried out in September-October 2020 in Penyengat Olak Village. The study involved housewives who were randomly selected with the inclusion criteria of mothers who had never participated in a study with the same theme, mothers who were under or equal to 35 years of age, while mothers who had hand skin disease were not included.
The study sample was divided into two groups, 20 participants received the emo demo method, and another 20 participants received videos. a video on how to wash hands with soap made by the researcher himself, as well as a demonstration on how to wash hands by the researcher.
The research variable is the mother's knowledge and skills. Before the intervention was given, the researcher first measured the level of knowledge and skills of the mother/participant (pre-test), then after the intervention was given the researcher again measured the level of knowledge and skills of the mother. /participant (post-test). The knowledge and skills questionnaires each consist of 15 questions with correct and incorrect answer choices. If the mother answered correctly, she was given a score of 1 and if the answer was wrong, she was given a score of 0. Both of these questionnaires used the Guttman scale.
Researchers have done a lot of research in the health sector and have compiled a lot of questionnaires so that the questionnaires in this study have been prepared by the researchers themselves. Before the research was conducted, the questionnaire was tested on 10 mothers and the results showed that there were 2 questions that had to be replaced because they were invalid.
This study compares the knowledge and skills of mothers in washing hands using soap after being given an intervention in the form of emo demos and videos
Sample size
This study involved 40 participants who were divided into 2 groups
Ethical Consideration
No economic incentives were offered or provided for participation in this study. The study was performed in accordance with the ethical considerations of the Helsinki Declaration. This study obtained ethical feasibility under the Health Research Ethics Commission of the Ministry of Health, Jambi, and registration number: LB.02.06/2/151/2020.
Statistical analysis
Data are presented as numbers and percentages for categorical variables. Continuous data were expressed as mean ± standard deviation (SD) or median with Interquartile Range (IQR). Then proceed with bivariate analysis using the Wilcoxon test. The Wilcoxon test was used to determine the effect of the emo demo and video intervention on knowledge and skills. All tests with p-value (p)<0.05 were considered significant. Statistical analysis was performed using the SPSS version 16.0 application.
The characteristics of respondents in this study include age, education level, and occupation. The following is the frequency distribution of the respondents' characteristics in this study:
Table 1. Frequency Distribution of Respondents Characteristics
In Table 1 it is known that all participants in the study were women, most of the respondents with an age range of 26-30 years were 19 respondents (47.5%). most of the respondents have high school education as many as 17 respondents (42.5%). Most types of work are housewives as many as 21 respondents (52.5%).
Participants' knowledge before and after being given emo demos and videos can be presented in the following table,
Table 2. Frequency Distribution Knowledge about hand washing with soap Before and After intervention
Table 2 shows that participants' level of knowledge before giving the intervention using the emo demo method or video media was higher in the less category. However, after being given the material, participants' level of knowledge increased higher in the "good" category than in the "poor" category.
Participants' skills before and after being given emo demos and videos presented in the following table:
Table 3. Frequency Distribution Skills about hand washing with soap Before and After intervention
Table 3 shows that participants' skills before giving the intervention using the emo demo method or video media were higher in the poor category, but after the intervention, the participants' skills increased higher in the good category than the poor category.
The effects of emo demo and video media interventions on participants' knowledge and skills are presented in the following table:
Table 4. Effects of emo demo and video media interventions on participants' knowledge and skills
Table 4 shows the effect of providing emo demo and video media interventions on participants' knowledge and skills with a p-value < 0.05.
Based on the study results, it was known that before the intervention, their level of knowledge and skills on how to wash their hands correctly and adequately was very low. It may be influenced by the low level of education and low access of homemakers to the media; the subordinate role of health workers also influences it in providing information and education to the public.
In line with previous research by Padila [19] at Aisyiyah 1 Kindergarten, Bengkulu City, it was found that before the intervention was given, most of them received the first-star category as many as 27 people (90%), while the number of respondents after the intervention was mostly increased in ability and received the fourth-star category. totaled 23 people (76.7 %). Likewise, Nidiyah's research [20] at RA Raisul Anwar Kedung Rejoso, Kota Anyar District, Probolinggo Regency, found a change in knowledge after obtaining material through demonstration media (emo demo) how to wash hands in 7 steps.
The results of this study reject the null hypothesis regarding the effect of the emotional demonstration method and video media on how to wash hands on the knowledge and skills of homemakers. The result is in line with Nidiyah's research [20] which states that the emo demo method increases children's knowledge, behavior, and habits to wash their hands properly and well. Fermi Avissa [21] also found that the demonstration method was more effective in increasing the knowledge and skills of handwashing in preschool children at Flamboyan Platuk Kindergarten Surabaya. Indah Lastari's research [22] found differences in health education skills through demonstrations and learning videos of the washing skill with the hand-soap method in PAUD. The way of learning through a demonstration method is suitableto be applied on preschool children because this demonstration method makes students receive a clear perception from direct observation. Students obtain practical experiences to develop their proficiency and skill.
Through the demonstration method of hand washing, mothers can directly practice the appropriate intervention that has been given. Skills that are trained with repeated practice will become habitual or automatic [23]. A suitable respondent's knowledge then impacts the actions taken by respondents with good criteria as well. Health education interventions with demonstration and video methods cause homemakers to be skilled in washing their hands to prevent various diseases related to hand hygiene, especially when feeding children when eating [24].
This research is very important to be carried out, especially during the COVID-19 pandemic, where everyone is required to practice hand washing before and after contact with other people, and according to the researcher, washing hands in 7 steps is very effective in preventing transmission of the COVID-19 virus [25–27].
In the current pandemic, the best way to prevent infection is to avoid exposure to the virus that causes it. Prevention of transmission can be done in daily life practices, such as washing hands using soap and running water, the behavior of people who have not practiced clean and healthy lifestyles, especially washing hands with soap can increase the risk of contracting COVID-19. For the community, it is very important to carry out clean and healthy living behavior in the form of washing hands to prevent COVID-19 in the current pandemic era even though COVID-19 can be prevented as recommended by the government to reduce the increase in COVID-19 cases, especially in Indonesia [10].
In general, the results of the study found that the knowledge and skills of respondents increased after the intervention, although there were some respondents that did not change after being given education through emo demo media and video media, this was probably due to their poor memory.
Health education using the demonstration method has been proven to increase knowledge and skills in washing hands, especially for homemakers, so it is highly recommended that health workers provide education on how to wash hands to apply the emo demo and video methods.
Limitations of Study
The limitations of this study include the very limited number of samples, and this study only involves one country, namely Indonesia, so the results may be different when comparing the effects of emo demo and video interventions on mothers in European countries.
We would like to thank the director of the Department of Health Promotion, Jambi Health Polytechnic for supporting this research.
Funding statement
This research did not receive any specific grant from funding agencies in the public, commercial, or not for profit sectors.
Competing interests statement
There are no competing interests for this study.
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Titik Hindriati*, Nurmisih, Diniyati, Rosmaria
Department of Midwifery, Health Polytechnic of Jambi, Indonesia
* Corresponding author: Titik Hindriati, Department of Midwifery, Health Polytechnic of Jambi, Indonesia, Jalan Prof DR GA Siwabessy No.42. Buluran Kenali, Kec. Telanaipura, Kota Jambi, 36122, Phone : +62 852-6970-1226, E-mail:
Cita questo articolo
Introduction: Breast cancer is the most frequent type of cancer in women, and it is one of the major causes of mortality. Efforts should be made to prevent breast cancer by using the breast self-examination (BSE) method of early diagnosis. This study aims to determine the effectiveness of the demonstration and audio visual methods on adolescent knowledge about breast self-examination at SMA Pertiwi 1 Jambi City, Indonesia.
Methods. This study is a quasi-experimental study using a two-group pretest-posttest design at the private high school Pertiwi 1 Jambi City, involving 122 participants divided into two groups. Group 1 consisted of 61 participants given BSE material by demonstration, while group 2 consisted of 61 participants given material using audio-visual media. Data processing in this study used univariate and bivariate analysis, and the statistical test used was the Wilcoxon test.
Results. The results showed that there was an increase in students' knowledge about BSE after the demonstration with p-value < 0.0001, and displayed audio-visually with p-value < 0.0001.
Conslusion: demonstration and audiovisual methods proved effective in increasing adolescent knowledge about breast self-examination at at SMA Pertiwi 1 Jambi City, Indonesia.
Keywords: breast self-examination, knowledge, cancer, demonstration, audio visual
The breast is one of the crucial organs for women because apart from being a tool for breastfeeding, it is also a symbol of beauty [1–3]. Because its vital existence makes a woman feel worried if the breast is abnormal; the most feared abnormality is malignancy or cancer [4]. Breast cancer is a condition in which cells have lost their usual control and mechanism, resulting in irregular, fast and uncontrolled growth in breast tissue [5,6].
According to the Breast Cancer Management Organization and the World Health Organization, by 2030, cancer in the world will increase 300%, and the majority occur in developing countries, including Indonesia [7].
Breast cancer is second cancer with the highest prevalence compared to other cancer in Indonesia in 2013, namely breast cancer, by 0.5% or around 61,682 patients in Indonesia. The prevalence of breast cancer incidence in Jambi Province was approximately 0.6% or about 977 cases in 2013 [8].
Based on data from the Jambi Provincial Health Office, in 2014, the number of patients who have breast cancer reached 38 (55%) people, and in 2015 the number of cases of breast cancer patients was 15 (22%) people. The age group in patients who have breast cancer starts from 14 years to 64 years. The data shows that the age at which breast cancer is susceptible is from the age of 24 years to the age of 64 years, and it occurs mainly in women. In 2016 it was found that breast cancer patients were only 14 years old; this could make it possible that all women can suffer breast cancer, both married and unmarried [9].
Only a tiny proportion of women perform the breast self-examination (BSE) [10]. It is estimated that only 25% to 30% of women perform regular monthly breast self-exams. Whereas, the level of sensitivity to detect breast cancer is about 20-30%. Almost 85% of lumps are found by sufferers independently through proper examination [11]. Breast self-examination is the first step. If breast cancer can be detected early and treated appropriately, the cure rate will be higher (80-90%). 85% of sufferers detect breast abnormalities [8]. If this examination becomes a routine and regular habit, it can detect more breast cancer early. Although this method is cheap, safe, repeatable and straightforward, only about 15-30% of women use it [12–14].
Breast exam (BSE) can be applied to young women who experience change physical and secondary sexual development that is, puberty breast enlargement occurs between the ages of 12-13 years [15]. Benefits of breast examination alone on teenage girls for early detection of tumors or lump in the breast [16–18].
Better breast self-examination carried out during menstruation, i.e 7-10 days from the first day of menstruation with consideration at that time the influence of the hormones estrogen and Progesterone is very low and at the same time it’s deep breast gland tissue no edema or not swell so much easier feel for tumors or abnormalities [19,20].
The results of the interviews in the initial survey at the Pertiwi 1 Private High School in Jambi City to 8 students stated that they did not know about BSE. Allegedly due to lack of information on reproductive health, especially BSE. One method of providing information is by delivering a demonstration using audio-visual.
This study aims to determine the effectiveness of the demonstration and audio visual methods on adolescent knowledge about BSE at SMA Pertiwi 1 Jambi City, Indonesia.
This study is a quasi-experimental study using a two-group pretest-posttest design
The study was conducted at Pertiwi 1 Private High School Jambi City involving 122 female students with inclusion criteria ranging from 16-19 years of age, while adolescents under 16 years of age and not present at the time of the study were not included in the study.
51 years old researcher, works as a lecturer at one of the universities in Indonesia, actively conducts research and writes a special book on midwifery. Group 1 consisted of 61 female participants (F) with an age range of 16-19 years, who were given BSE material by means of a demonstration, while group 2 consisted of 61 participants who were given material using audio-visual media. Before the BSE material, students’ knowledge was first measured using a questionnaire, then after the material was given, it was continued with an evaluation of the students’ level of knowledge about BSE (post-test).
The knowledge questionnaire consisted of 20 questions containing students’ knowledge about breast self-examination. If students answer correctly, they are given a score of 1, while if students answer incorrectly, they are given a score of 0. The objective criteria for the knowledge variable are good and bad. Good, if the total score of student answers is 11-20, while the criteria is less, if the total score of student answers is 1-10. The questionnaire used has been validated and declared valid and reliable. Determine the validity of the questions using the product moment test. If the coefficient between the items and the total items is equal to or above 0.3 then the item is declared valid, but if the correlation value is below 0.3 then the item is declared invalid. While the correlation is 0.7, it is said that the item provides a sufficient level of reliability, on the contrary, if the correlation value is below 0.7, it is said that the item is less reliable. Determining reliable question items using the Spearman Rho test [21]. The instrument test was carried out on 15 adolescents with the results, of the 20 submitted there were 4 questions that had a validity index value <0.3 so they had to be corrected and 3 questions had a correlation below 0.7 so they had to be corrected again.
Questionnaires were distributed to students at Pertiwi 1 Private High School Jambi City, Indonesia. After the data collection was carried out by the researcher, the researcher then compiled the data, processing and analyzing the data.
To determine the effectiveness of learning using demonstration and audio visual methods
Sample size
This study involved 122 participants who were divided into two groups defined in random way, and namely group 1 and group 2 both composed of 61 female participants.
Ethical Consideration
No economic incentives were offered or provided for participation in this study. The study was performed in accordance with the ethical considerations of the Helsinki Declaration. This study obtained ethical feasibility under the Health Research Ethics Commission of the Ministry of Health, Jambi, and registration number: LB.03.02./3.5/130/2021.
Statistical analysis
Data are presented as numbers and percentages for categorical variables. Continuous data were expressed as mean ± standard deviation (SD) or median with Inter Quartile Range (IQR). Then proceed with bivariate analysis using the Wilcoxon test. The Wilcoxon test was used to determine the effect of counselling using breastfeeding video on the knowledge of breast milk supporting group. All tests with p-value (p)<0.05 were considered significant. Statistical analysis was performed using the SPSS version 16.0 application.
As for the characteristics of the respondents can be presented in the following table :
Table 1. Characteristics of research respondents in high school
The highest respondent's age characteristic is the range of 16-17 years as much as 60.7%, then the most students occupy class 12
Students' knowledge about breast self-examination before and after giving the material using demonstration and audio-visual methods is presented in the following table:
Table 2. Frequency distribution of students' knowledge about BSE
Table 2, shows that students' knowledge about breast self-examination before giving the demonstration group was higher in the poor than in the excellent category. After the demonstration, students' learning was higher in the superb class than in the fewer categories. Meanwhile, students' knowledge before audio-visual material was higher in the lower category than the excellent category. After giving the material, the same changes occurred for both classes.
The effect of giving the method using demonstration and audio-visual techniques on students' knowledge about breast self-examination is presented in the following table:
Table 3. The effect of giving material using demonstration and audio-visual methods on students' knowledge
Table 3 shows the increase in students' knowledge about breast self-examination after demonstration with p-value < 0.0001. as well as shown audio visually with a p-value < 0.0001.
Prior to the application of the demonstration method and the audio-visual group, data was obtained that a small number of respondents had good knowledge of BSE. Meanwhile, more than half of the respondents have poor knowledge. This is because students have never received information about breast cancer and BSE examinations at school.
After giving the material using the demonstration method, there was an increase in students' knowledge about BSE. Most of the respondents had good knowledge about understanding, examination, standard nipple colour and the purpose of BSE, and only a small number of respondents had less knowledge about BSE.
After giving the material using audio-visual media, there was an increase in respondents' knowledge after the audio-visual about BSE; that is, most of the respondents had good knowledge. Using video media has a more significant impact on health education; it relies on hearing and vision from the target; it is interesting; the messages are delivered quickly and efficiently and can develop the mind and develop the imagination of young women. The video can clarify the pictures and the steps of the importance of the BSE examination. In the process of giving it, the respondent not only hears the sound, but the respondent will see directly and the steps of the breast self-examination.
Based on the results of research by [22], the demonstration method through demonstration activities has proven to be more effective in increasing young women's knowledge to perform BSE techniques. It is also supported by research by [23] that there is a relationship between knowledge, attitudes and BSE actions through demonstrations to detect breast cancer early in female students at the Faculty of Public Health. This result is also supported by the research of [13], which suggests that the demonstration method is proven to be more effective in increasing knowledge through learning media on BSE skills. A similar thing was reported by [13], who researched SMA 1 Sumber, Indonesia students who found an increase in student's knowledge after being given information using demonstrations and media in the form of videos.
The counselling was carried out to increase the respondent's knowledge about BSE. There was material about BSE in the counselling, which was packaged in an attractive video format and demonstrated by conducting a demonstration to obtain information directly. In addition, in the counselling process, answers are also held so that respondents who do not understand the material about BSE can now ask questions, and the respondents can understand the information [18,24,25].
The current research is to improve health education about reproductive health, especially breast health of a young woman in the research location. Knowledge of breast self-examination (BSE) is essential to be known and understood by a young woman [26].
The use of demonstration methods and audio-visual media in learning is considered adequate to increase students' knowledge about breast self-examination for students of SMAN Pertiwi 1 Jambi city. It is hoped that the high school will provide information about BSE in adolescent girls to detect early symptoms of breast cancer.
Limitations of Study
The limitations of this study include, in addition to the relatively small number of participants, the type of quasi-experimental research does not do randomization
We would like to express our gratitude to the director of the Midwifery Department of Jambi health polytechnic who has supported this research.
Funding statement
This research did not receive any specific grant from funding agencies in the public, commercial, or not for profit sectors.
Competing interests statement
There are no competing interests for this study.
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Suryani, Ika Murtiyarini*, Yuli Suryanti, Misnanda
Department of Midwifery, Health Polytechnic of Jambi, Indonesia
* Corresponding author: Ika Murtiyarini, Department of Midwifery, Health Polytechnic of Jambi, Indonesia, Jalan Prof DR GA Siwabessy No.42. Buluran Kenali, Kec. Telanaipura, Kota Jambi, .36122. E-mail:
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Introduction. Nausea and vomiting are the most common symptoms experienced by pregnant women in the first trimester, and these symptoms are experienced by 70-85% of women. Nausea and vomiting are often experienced by pregnant women, especially in the first trimester, affecting about 50-80% of pregnant women. Management of nausea and vomiting in pregnancy consists of pharmacological and non-pharmacological. This study aims to analyze the effect of acupressure therapy on nausea and vomiting.
Methods. This type of research is a quasi-experimental design using a two-group pre-post design involving 30 first trimester pregnant women who experience nausea and vomiting selected by purposive sampling. The criteria for the participants were gestational age at 10-16 weeks and maternal age at 20-35 years (productive age), while mothers taking nausea and vomiting drugs were excluded from this study. Data analysis used the Wilcoxon test and Mann-Withney test.
Results. a significant decrease group with p-value <0.05. Based on the Mann Whitney test, it was found that the p-value for the pre in the frequency of moderat nausea and vomiting scores before and after acupressure in the intervention -test (<0.0001), and the post-test was 0.55, post test scores showed no difference between the two study groups.
Conslusion. The study shows encouraging signs about reducing the frequency of nausea and vomiting in first-trimester pregnant women, so this therapy can be used as an alternative intervention for pregnant women who experience nausea and vomiting.
Keywords: Acupressure, Nausea Vomiting, Pregnant Women, Non-pharmacological Therapy
Pregnancy is fertilization or joining of spermatozoa and ovum, so nidation or implantation occurs [1]. According to the international calendar, from the time of fertilization until the birth of the baby, pregnancy will generally last 40 weeks or ten months [2,3]. The signs and symptoms of pregnancy include nausea without vomiting, micturition disorders, and fatigue [4]. Nausea occurs due to increased hormone estrogen and chorionic gonadotropin hormone (HCG) in the serum [5]. The physiological changes of this hormone increase are not yet apparent, perhaps due to stimulation of the central nervous system or gastric emptying that is not optimal [6]. A study in Indonesia revealed that pregnant women with nausea and vomiting reached 14.8% of all pregnancies. Complaints of nausea and vomiting occur in 60-80% of primigravida and 40-60% of multiple pregnancies [7]. The coverage of First Prenatal Visits in Jambi Province reached 10-15% of the 73,096 pregnant women in 2018 [8]. According to the Jambi City Health Office data, the number of pregnant women who had a First Prenatal Visit in Jambi City was 76,681 (74.9%) [8]. If nausea and vomiting in pregnancy do not treat immediately, it will impair fetal growth, fetal death and congenital abnormalities. The consequences for the mother are dehydration, acid-base balance disorders, and potassium deficiency [9]. Management of nausea and vomiting in pregnancy consists of pharmacological and non-pharmacological. Diet settings, emotional support and acupressure are options in non-pharmacological therapy which effective as an intervention to treat nausea [10]. Acupressure is a healing technique by pressing and massaging certain body parts to re-activate the energy balance in the mother's body due to adaptation to changes during pregnancy. Acupressure, especially at the pericardial point, can achieve balance in the mother's body [11]. In treating nausea and vomiting in pregnancy, acupressure carries out three fingers above the middle of the inner wrist and four fingers below the kneecap on the outer edge of the shinbone [12]. Acupressure is found to be effective in reducing nausea and vomiting through the mechanism of increasing beta endorphins. This substance is one of the natural anti-emetics that can reduce the vomiting stimulus in the CTZ (Chemoreceptor Trigger Zone) and the vomiting center which in turn can reduce nausea and vomiting [12].
A meta-analysis of acupuncture in pediatric tonsillectomy revealed that the number of patients with Postoperative Nausea and Vomiting was significantly reduced with acupuncture compared to the control group, with a risk ratio of 0.77 (95% confidence interval: 0.63–0.94, p < 0.05) [13]. A study in the Maternity and Child Hospital in Istanbul reported that acupressure would appear to be effective in symptom control, and alleviation and placebo effects in reducing the symptoms of nausea and vomiting during pregnancy [14]. Previous studies have not mapped the characteristics of nausea and vomiting severity in pregnant women. Therefore, in this study, we analyzed the effect of acupressure therapy in reducing moderate nausea and vomiting in the working area of the Talang Banjar Health Center, Jambi City.
This study uses a two group with pretest-posttest design where the design provides a pretest before being treated and a posttest after being treated in each group [15]. This quasy-experimental study used two group with pretest-posttest design.
The criteria for the participants were gestational age at 10-16 weeks and maternal age at 20-35 years (productive age), while mothers taking nausea and vomiting drugs were excluded from this study.
Acupressure therapy performs for three days for each pregnant woman. First, measurements of maternal nausea and vomiting provide, then acupressure therapy was performed. Massage performed on three fingers above the wrist in a circular motion and on four fingers below the kneecap on the outer edge of the shin, given emphasis as much as 30 times. This therapy conducts for 5 minutes every morning. At the end of the 4th-day therapy session, maternal nausea and vomiting measured. The interpretation of the results of the PUQE measurement is severe, if the score is ≥13, moderate if the score is 7-12, and mild if the score is ≤6. The measurement of nausea and vomiting used Pregnancy Unique Quantification of Emesis and Nausea (PUQE). The Pregnancy-Unique Quantification of Emesis and Nausea (PUQE) scoring system instrument is a research instrument developed by Koren et al. [16] and validated by Koren et al. [17].
The outcome of the study is that pregnant women are expected to show a decrease in the frequency of nausea and vomiting
Sample size
Involving 30 first trimester pregnant women who were divided into 2 groups, 15 pregnant women experienced moderate nausea and vomiting (score 7-10) and 15 pregnant women experienced moderate nausea and vomiting (score 10-12).
Randomisation (Sequence generation, Allocation etc)
The selection of research samples was carried out at simple random
The included samples were selected blindly
Ethical Consideration
No economic incentives were offered or provided for participation in this study. The study was performed in accordance with the ethical considerations of the Helsinki Declaration. This study obtained ethical feasibility under the Health Research Ethics Commission of the Ministry of Health, Jambi, and registration number: LB.02.06/2/54/2020.
Statistical analysis
There are 2 data analyses used, namely univariate analysis to describe the characteristics of pregnant women (age, education level, and occupation of pregnant women) and a description of the frequency of nausea and vomiting before and after the intervention. Data are presented as numbers and percentages for categorical variables. Continuous data are expressed as the mean ± standard deviation (SD), or median with Interquartile Range (IQR). Then proceed with bivariate analysis using the Wilcoxon test and the Mann Whitney test. The Wilcoxon test was used to determine the effect of acupressure therapy on reducing nausea and vomiting in each study group, while the Mann Whitney test was used to determine differences in nausea and vomiting between the two study groups. All tests with p-value (p)<0.05 were considered significant. Statistical analysis performed using the SPSS app version 16.0.
The characteristics of respondents in this study include age, education level, occupation, gestational age, and parity.
The following is a table of the frequency distribution of the characteristics of the respondents in this study:
Table 1. Frequency Distribution of Respondents' Characteristics
Table 1 shows that most of the respondents in Group 2 aged 20-30 years were 14 people (93.3%), and respondents aged 30-40 years were 1 (6.7%) people. The majority of respondents in group 1, as many as 13 (86.7%), have high education, namely high school graduates or more (college), and as many as two people (13.3%) have low education (< high school). At work, most of the respondents in Group 1 are housewives; 9 (60%) and 1 (6.7%) respondents were traders and entrepreneurs. At gestational age, most of the respondents in group 1 had a gestational age of 9-12 weeks, namely 9 (60%), and as many as 6 (40%) respondents had a gestational age of 5-8 weeks. In the parity aspect, some respondents in group 2 had parity > 1, namely 12 (80%) respondents and 3 (20%) had parity 1.
The results of measuring nausea and vomiting in the Group 1 and Group 2 prior to acupressure therapy using the PUQE scale can be seen in the following table:
Table 2. Results of the PUQE Scale for Respondents in the Group 1 and Group 2 Before and After Acupressure in First Trimester Pregnant Women
Table 2 shows, Group 1, as many as 6 (40%) respondents with a score of 9, 4 (26.7%) respondents had a score of 10, 3 (20%) respondents had a score of 7, and 2 (13.3%) respondents had score 8. After acupressure therapy, the nausea and vomiting score scale decreased to 13 (86.7%) in the last 24 hours experiencing nausea and vomiting with a score of 6 (mild nausea and vomiting), and as many as 2 (13.3%) respondents in The last 24 hours experienced vomiting with a score of 5 (mild nausea and vomiting). Group 2, 9 (60%) respondents experienced nausea and vomiting with a score of 10 in the last 24 hours, 5 (33.3%) respondents experienced nausea and vomiting in the previous 24 hours with a score of 11, and 1 (6.7%) respondents experienced nausea with a score of 12 in the last 24 hours. After doing acupressure therapy, 14 (93.3%) respondents got a PUQE score of 6 and 1 (6.7%) respondents got a score of 5.
The condition of nausea and vomiting before and after the acupressure technique in group 1 and Group 2 can be seen in the table below:
Table 3. Frequency distribution of Group 1 and Group 2 before and after acupressure therapies
Table 3 shows a significant decrease in the frequency of nausea and vomiting scores in both groups before and after acupressure in the intervention group with p-value <0.05. Based on the Mann Whitney test, it was found that the p-value for the pre-test (<0.0001), and the post-test was 0.55, the post-test value showed no difference between the two research groups.
The result of study showed that patients in the treatment group, who were given acupressure therapy after day 3, had less severity of nausea, frequency of vomiting and the level of intensity of discomfort felt from nausea, when compared to the condition of nausea and vomiting on the first day before treatment. Previous research conducted by O’Brien B [18], Werntoft E [19], and Tara F [20] showed that have reported a reduction in the intensity of nausea and vomiting discomfort during the first trimester of pregnancy.
In group 1, before giving acupressure therapy, the average value of nausea and vomiting was 8.73 and it decreased very significantly after giving acupressure therapy to 5.87, meaning that there was a decrease of 2.86 points. The same thing was shown by group 2 after acupressure therapy experienced a significant decrease of 4.57 points. The results of this study indicate that acupressure therapy is very effective in reducing nausea and vomiting, especially for pregnant women in the 1st trimester.
The results of the current study have shown the ability of acupressure to significantly reduce acute nausea and vomiting scores in respondents who experience acute nausea and vomiting, so it can be concluded that acupressure is an effective intervention in reducing nausea in pregnant women. This finding is in accordance with previous findings which stated that acupressure is one of the appropriate measures in the management of nausea and vomiting due to pregnancy [11].
In a study conducted in Turkey by Gürkan ÖC [14], it was shown that in subjects undergoing at Neiguan (PC6) acupoint acupressure between days 4–6, there was less severity of nausea, frequency of vomiting, and feeling of discomfort after nausea. Another study by Markose MT [21] showed that the frequency of vomiting, nausea, and retching, as well as the discomfort caused by nausea and vomiting were significantly lower in the at Neiguan (PC6) acupoint pressure treatment group than in the control group under drug therapy. In line with the research of Mojgan Naeimi Rad et al [22] involving 80 first trimester pregnant women concluded that acupressure on KID21 point is more effective than sham acupressure in reduction of nausea and vomiting in pregnancy.
15 respondents experienced nausea and vomiting at a score of 10-12 and after being given acupressure, the score decreased to 5-6, from 15 respondents experienced nausea and vomiting a score of 7-10, after receiving acupressure therapy, the score for nausea and vomiting decreased to a score of 5-6. In group 1, the decrease was lower than in group 2. The cause could be due to stress factors, so that even though acupressure therapy has been given, the frequency of nausea and vomiting can increase again [23]. Psychological factors are factors that are triggered from the surrounding environment such as work or family problems that make pregnant women stressed, because stress can interfere with the hormonal system of the gastric organs in controlling gastric acid secretion so that stomach acid can increase and cause nausea and vomiting [24,25].
In line with the research of Pirimoglu ZM, et al [26] that pregnant women suffering from hyperemesis gravidarum were identified as 80% afraid of losing their jobs, afraid of getting pregnant again in the future, experiencing psychiatric symptoms such as depression and anxiety. Based on this research, that acupressure therapy is ideally applied to mothers who suffer from emesis or nausea and vomiting on a mild or moderate scale, and as an alternative therapy in reducing nausea and vomiting, especially pregnant women who have a fear of the side effects of medical treatment therapy, such as doubts of the effect of the drug on fetal defects in the womb.
The results of data analysis using the Mann Whitney test to determine differences in nausea and vomiting before (pre) acupressure therapy in the two study groups and differences in nausea and vomiting after (post) acupressure therapy in the two study groups showed that the pre-test of the two study groups had a p-value of 0.0001, which means that there is a difference in the point of nausea and vomiting of the two study groups before acupressure therapy, but after acupressure therapy there is no difference in the scale of nausea and vomiting in the two study groups (p-value = 0.55). there was no significant difference based on the results of statistical data analysis in the two groups after acupressure therapy was most likely strongly influenced by the same type of intervention given to both study groups.
The main limitation of this study is the absence of controlling for other factors that can affect the frequency of nausea and vomiting such as stress, and the type of food consumed by pregnant women, so it is very likely that the variable data measured are less accurate.
Acupressure therapy is the choice of pregnant women and is more enjoyable than medical treatment because in addition to being easy and cheap, it is also effective in reducing the frequency of nausea and vomiting in first trimester pregnant women.
The limitations of this study include a very small sample and the pattern or type of food of pregnant women that was not controlled during the study
We would like to express our gratitude to the director of the Midwifery Department of Jambi health polytechnic who has supported this research.
Funding statement
This research did not receive any specific grant from funding agencies in the public, commercial, or not for profit sectors.
Competing interests statement
There are no competing interests for this study.
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Ika Murtiyarini, Imelda*, Yuli Suryanti, Rosmaria
Department of Midwifery, Health Polytechnic of Jambi, Indonesia
* Corresponding author: Imelda, Department of Midwifery, Health Polytechnic of Jambi, Indonesia, Email:
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Introduction: Prenatal stress is often encountered but is rarely recognized and is considered not to affect pregnancy. Pregnancy has the potential to cause morbidity during pregnancy. In a study in Indonesia, 64.4% of pregnant women experienced severe stress and were at risk of causing preterm labour. One of the preventive measures during pregnancy to improve the health condition of the mother and baby is yoga. Prenatal yoga can prepare pregnant women physically, mentally, and spiritually to play a role in the delivery process.
Materials and Methods: The current study is a quantitative study with a pre-experimental design with one group pretest-posttest without control to determine the effect of prenatal yoga on stress levels of pregnant women in the private midwives of Jambi City in 2020. The study population was 86 pregnant women; by purposive sampling, 30 pregnant women were taken. The time of the study was from March to November 2020. The data analysis used was univariate analysis and bivariate analysis with the Wilcoxon test.
Results: In the initial assessment, most pregnant women experienced moderate stress levels; after prenatal yoga, most pregnant women experienced mild and average stress levels. Wilcoxon test results show that prenatal yoga has an effect on stress levels of pregnant women with a p-value of 0.0001 (<0.05).
Conclusion: Prenatal yoga is effective for reducing stress in third-trimester pregnant women.
Keywords: Stress, pregnant women, Prenatal yoga, Depression Anxiety and Stress Scale (DASS)
Pregnancy is a process that starts from the meeting of sperm and ovum in a woman's uterus or by another name, namely fertilization or conception, to form a zygote which then implants into the uterus and develops into a baby [1–3]. Sometimes, pregnancy has a stressful impact on pregnant women. Prenatal stress is almost expected in all pregnant women, especially in primigravida [4]. This stress can be caused by external factors (external stressors) or from within (internal stressors) pregnant women. Stress is an uncomfortable condition (dysphoric) defined as an imbalance of pregnant women to feel able or resist various changes in the adaptation process of their pregnancy [5,6].
Psychosocial studies of stress during pregnancy conducted on Asian, African, and white races found that 6% of pregnant women experienced mild stress, 78% experienced severe stress, and 16% did not experience stress at all [7]. Pregnancy stress is significantly caused by economic hardship, household problems, physical violence, medical problems, busyness, work, and a pregnancy history with complications [8].
Prenatal stress is often but is rarely recognized and is thought not to affect pregnancy [9]. A Canadian study showed that pregnant women experienced low levels of psychosocial stress and 6% of high levels of stress. Pregnant women in Spain, 30% have a lower chance of experiencing stress, while in Indonesia, 64.4% of pregnant women experience severe stress and can give birth prematurely [10].
Stress in pregnancy has the potential to cause morbidity during pregnancy [11]. Complications arise from prenatal stress, such as preterm delivery caused by the placenta, increased corticotrophin-releasing hormone (CRH), and progesterone in stressful conditions [12]. In addition, in early pregnancy, stress and a decrease in progesterone can cause abortion, progesterone which is calming and slows gastric motility as a trigger for hyper emesis gravidarum to Low Birth Weight (LBW). This impact proves that the mother's mental state can affect the mother's health during pregnancy and the baby's growth and development in the next period of life [13,14].
DASS-42 is an assessment of stress scale that can be used in the stress assessment of pregnant women [15]. DASS-42 has been used to identify stress in Hispanic, American, British, Australian and Indonesian populations. Assessment items in DASS-42 include emotional states, communication barriers and physical disturbances felt by pregnant women. Measurement of stress levels using the DASS-42 score can reflect the state of prenatal stress as a predisposing factor for pregnancy complications [16,17].
Maintaining the health of the mother and fetus during pregnancy can be done by exercising in the morning, static cycling, aerobics, water exercise, dancing, and yoga. Some pregnancy exercise methods that can be an option include yoga, pilates, Kegels, hypnotherapy [18]. Prenatal yoga is effective for pregnant women to achieve comfort during pregnancy even until the delivery process. Prenatal yoga is a skill to cultivate the mind in a comprehensive personality development technique that includes physical, psychological and spiritual. This prenatal yoga includes various relaxations, adjusting breathing postures and meditation done by pregnant women every day [19].
Several studies have shown that yoga positively affects pregnant women, significantly reducing stress levels and back pain [20,21]. Another study conducted by Rahma [22] showed an increase in sleep quality in pregnant women after prenatal yoga. Another study conducted by Mediarti et al. [23] showed differences in the complaints of pregnant women before and after prenatal yoga, including back pain, insomnia, leg cramps and anxiety.
Based on the results of several studies that have been carried out showing the benefits of implementing prenatal yoga in reducing stress during pregnancy, but no research focuses on primigravida pregnant women; therefore, we tried to conduct this research on third-trimester pregnant women in the independent practice of midwives in Jambi City, Indonesia.
This pre-experimental study consisted of a pre-test and post-test without a control group design involving 30 third trimester primiparous pregnant women in independent practice of midwives (PMB) Jambi City, Indonesia, which was carried out from March to November 2020. The implementation of intervention was carried out in PMB Jambi City, carried out by researchers assisted by midwives et PMB and enumerators, after asking participants' consent and participants agreed by signing a certificate. The criteria for participants who were included in the study were primiparous mothers and third trimester, while mothers who were not healthy at the time of the study were not included in the study. The sample has been selected using purposive sampling, namely the technique of selecting samples based on the researcher's considerations.
The prenatal yoga intervention was given by a certified midwife as a prenatal yoga instructor, with the first procedure (1) the mother doing warm-up movements, (2) doing the Uttkatasana movement, (3) doing the Vrkasasana movement, (4) doing the Adhatasana movement, (5) perform the Virabadhanasana movement, (6) perform the Utitatrikonasana movement, (7) perform the Anjeneyasana movement, (8) perform the Utkatakonasana movement, (9) perform the Malasana movement, (10) perform the Supta Baddha Konasana movement, (11) perform the Savasana movement, and Finally, take a deep breath from the nose 5-8 times.
Treatment is carried out once a week for two weeks with duration of 1-2 hours per session. The implementation of treatment complies with health protocols during the covid-19 pandemic, including washing hands, disinfecting mats, and not doing yoga in groups. The assessment of stress levels both pre and post prenatal yoga was carried out at PMB Jambi City, Indonesia by researchers assisted by enumerators.
This stress level was measured using the Depression Anxiety Stress Scale 42 (DASS 42) (Lovibond, 1995) both before and after the implementation of prenatal yoga. Psychometric anxiety stress scale of the Depression Anxiety stress scale 42 (DASS 42) consists of 42 question items, which include 3 subvariables including 1) physical 2) emotional/psychological 3) behavior. According to Lovibond (1995) cited by Crawford & Henry (2003) in their journal entitled "DASS: Normative data & latent structure in large non-clinical sample". DASS has a discrimant validity level and has a reliability of 0.91 which is processed based on Cronbach's Alpha assessment, so that the stress questionnaire is not tested for reliability because the questionnaire has been applied internationally. The stress level on the DASS 42 instrument (lovibond, 1995) is classified into five levels, namely Normal, score: 0 – 7; Mild, score: 8-9; Medium, 10-14; Severe, score: 15-19; Very severe, score: ≥ 20.
No economic incentives were offered or provided for participation in this study. The study was performed in accordance with the ethical considerations of the Helsinki Declaration. Ethical eligibility was obtained from the Health Research Ethics Commission of the Ministry of Health, Jambi, No. LB.02.06/2/140/2020.
Statistical Analysis
Data were analyzed using univariate analysis to obtain a frequency distribution based on each variable studied and bivariate analysis to determine the effect of prenatal yoga on stress levels of pregnant women. Data are presented as numbers and percentages for categorical variables. Continuous data are expressed as the mean ± standard deviation (SD), or median with Interquartile Range (IQR). Wilcoxon’s test was used to evaluating repeated measurements of the same objects using them as their own control. The test was carried out on 2 groups of related samples, the measurement scale was ordinal data. All tests with p-value (p)<0.05 were considered significant. Statistical analysis performed using the SPSS app version 16.0.
The results of the univariate analysis, which aims to determine the frequency of each variable studied, can be seen in the following table:
Table 1. Frequency Distribution of Respondents' Characteristics
Table 1 shows that most respondents in group aged 20-30 years amounted to 13 people (43.3%), and respondents aged 30-40 years amounted to 17 (56.7%) people. Majority of respondents' education level is low education as much as 86.7%, and the dominant occupation of respondents is housewives as much as 63.3%.
Table 2. Distribution of stress levels of pregnant women before and after prenatal yoga
Table 2 show that 11 (36.7%) respondents experienced medium stress during pregnancy, 10 (33.3%) respondents experienced mild stress levels and did not experience stress after prenatal yoga.
This analysis aims to determine the effect on variables using the Wilcoxon test, which can be seen in Table 3 below:
Table 3. The effect of prenatal yoga on the stress level of pregnant women in private midwives in Jambi City.
The analysis of the influence of prenatal yoga on the stress level of pregnant women in private midwives obtained a p-value = 0.0001 (p <0.05). These test results show that prenatal yoga affects the stress level of pregnant women in private midwives in Jambi City.
Anxiety in maternity mothers is related to the length of labour which results in complications in childbirth. One of the causes of prolonged labour is the stress response, and this ranks at the top among other causes [24].
Based on the study results, it is known that there are three categories of stress levels experienced by pregnant women during pregnancy. Stress is the body's reaction to situations that cause pressure, change, emotional tension, and others. Stress is universal; that is, all people can feel it, but the way it is expressed is different. According to individual characteristics, the response is different for each person. Stress in pregnant women harms themselves and their babies. Moreover, if the stress is ongoing and chronic, it can have implications for recurring anxiety, frustration, or fear that has been suffered for a long time and can have adverse health effects.
Before prenatal yoga, most pregnant women experienced moderate stress. Many things can affect this incident, for example, worrying about the baby, not deciding where to give birth, doubting the family's economic capacity. Prenatal stress often occurs only rarely recognized and considered not very important during pregnancy. Based on the study results, it is known that 64.4% of pregnant women in Indonesia experience severe stress.
Prenatal yoga is one way that can be done to relax pregnant women so that it can reduce stress levels in pregnant women. Based on the study results, it is known that there is a decrease in stress levels after prenatal yoga. Most of the stress levels of pregnant women drop to mild stress and even become routine.
Yoga affects the hypothalamus to suppress the secretion of CRH, which will affect the anterior lobe of the pituitary gland to suppress the release of the hormone ACTH so that the production of adrenal hormones and cortisol decreases and orders the anterior lobe of the pituitary gland to secrete endorphins. Yoga will inhibit the increase in sympathetic nerves so that the number of hormones that cause body deregulation can be reduced. The parasympathetic nervous system signals to influence catecholamine release. As a result, there is a decrease in heart rate, breathing rhythm, blood pressure, muscle tension, metabolic rate, and the production of hormones that cause anxiety or stress [25].
Based on the respondents' stress levels before and after prenatal yoga, there was a significant decrease with the median pre-test stress value decreasing from 10 to 8 after the post-test, p=0.0001. The results of this test indicate the influence of prenatal yoga on the stress levels of pregnant women. Several previous studies showed that yoga had a positive effect on pregnant women, namely reducing stress levels and back pain [20]. Another study conducted by Rahma [22] showed an increase in sleep quality in pregnant women after prenatal yoga.
The application of prenatal yoga, which is one way to ensure the condition of the mother and fetus in a healthy and comfortable condition during pregnancy, is appropriate [26,27]. Yoga is a combination of stretching, breathing, postures, and meditation that promotes health and spiritual growth in the practitioner. This prenatal yoga includes various relaxations, adjusting breathing postures and meditation done by pregnant women every day [28].
One experimental study at a prenatal clinic in Taipei found that prenatal yoga significantly reduced pregnant women's stress and improved their immune function. Attractive value from this study is the finding of higher immunoglobulin A (p < 0.001) in the intervention group than in the control group [29].
Prenatal yoga is effective for reducing stress in pregnant women in the third trimester. The variable for reducing stress levels is strongly influenced by the ability of pregnant women to control their thoughts so that the decrease in stress as a result of prenatal yoga varies in pregnant women
Study Limitations
The lack of control in this study is a limitation, so it cannot compare the intervention group who was given yoga practice and not yoga. In addition, other limitations of this study are No multicenter study, limited geographical area, small sample size.
Funding statement
This research did not receive any specific grant from funding agencies in the public, commercial, or not for profit sectors.
Competing interests statement
There are no competing interests for this study.
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