NapoliSana Campania Scientific Section


NSC Nursing                                                 Impact Factor 2025: 0.433

NSC Nursing is the scientific journal of the Order of Nursing Professions of Naples. The journal promotes and disseminates the progress of scientific research in nursing, with the aim of being able to integrate the results of research into the daily activities of nurses. The journal welcomes research in the field of nursing, developed by all those working in the field and who are active in scientific research, whether they are undergraduate students, doctoral students, researchers or professors. Articles accepted for publication must meet the journal’s quality standards and editorial norms, as well as being scientifically valid. Each article will undergo a peer review process, i.e. a process of evaluation of the submitted manuscript by one or more experts in the same field.
Based on the reviewers’ feedback, the Editor-in-Chief will decide whether the manuscript is accepted, accepted only after revisions, or rejected.


NSC Nursing aims to promote research, therefore the journal does not charge authors any publication fees and makes published articles freely available.

Indexing and Archiving:

CINAHL CompleteFile PDF
EBSCO Essentials,
Google Scholar,
Asian Science Citation Index,


Publication frequency: Quarterly

Online ISSN: 2612-6915


NSC Nursing Editorial Office

Piazza Carità 32, 80134 Napoli, Italy
Phone. +39 081440140 / +39 081440175
Fax: +39 0810107708


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